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                ifndef  __52xxedmainc           ; avoid multiple inclusion
__52xxedmainc   equ     1

                listing off                     ; no listing over this file
;*                                                                          *
;*   AS 1.42 - File 52XXEDMA.INC                                            *
;*                                                                          *
;*   Contains SFR and Bit Definitions for ColdFire MCF52xx EDMA             *
;*                                                                          *

EDMA_CR         equ             MBAR_EDMA+$000  ; Control Register (32b)
ERCA            cfbit           EDMA_CR,2       ;  Enable Round Robin Channel Arbitration
EDBG            cfbit           EDMA_CR,1       ;  Enable Debug
EDMA_ES         equ             MBAR_EDMA+$004  ; Error Status Register (32b)
VLD             cfbit           EDMA_ES,31      ;  Logical OR of all EDMA_ERR Status Bits
CPE             cfbit           EDMA_ES,14      ;  Channel Priority Error
ERRCHN          cffield         EDMA_ES,8,4     ;  Error Channel Number
SAE             cfbit           EDMA_ES,7       ;  Source Address Error
SOE             cfbit           EDMA_ES,6       ;  Source Offset Error
DAE             cfbit           EDMA_ES,5       ;  Destination Address Error
DOE             cfbit           EDMA_ES,4       ;  Destination Offset Error
NCE             cfbit           EDMA_ES,3       ;  NBYTES/CITER Configuration Error
SGE             cfbit           EDMA_ES,2       ;  Scatter/Gather Configuration Error
SBE             cfbit           EDMA_ES,1       ;  Source Bus Error
DBE             cfbit           EDMA_ES,0       ;  Destination Bus Error
EDMA_ERQ        equ             MBAR_EDMA+$00E  ; Enable Request Register (16b)
EDMA_EEI        equ             MBAR_EDMA+$016  ; Enable Error Interrupt Register (16b)
EDMA_SERQ       equ             MBAR_EDMA+$018  ; Set Enable Request (8b)
SAER            cfbit           EDMA_SERQ,6     ;  Set All Enable Requests
SERQ            cffield         EDMA_SERQ,0,4   ;  Set Enable Request
EDMA_CERQ       equ             MBAR_EDMA+$019  ; Clear Enable Request (8b)
CAER            cfbit           EDMA_CERQ,6     ;  Clear All Enable Requests
CERQ            cffield         EDMA_CERQ,0,4   ;  Clear Enable Request
EDMA_SEEI       equ             MBAR_EDMA+$01A  ; Set Enable Error Interrupt Register (8b)
SAEE            cfbit           EDMA_CERR,6     ;  Sets All Enable Error Interrupts
SEEI            cffield         EDMA_CERR,0,4   ;  Set Enable Error Interrupt
EDMA_CEEI       equ             MBAR_EDMA+$01B  ; Clear Enable Error Interrupt Register (8b)
CAEE            cfbit           EDMA_CEEI,6     ;  Clear All Enable Error Interrupts
CEEI            cffield         EDMA_CEEI,0,4   ;  Clear Enable Error Interrupt
EDMA_CINT       equ             MBAR_EDMA+$01C  ; Clear Interrupt Request Register (8b)
CAIR            cfbit           EDMA_CINT,6     ;  Clear All Interrupt Requests
CINT            cffield         EDMA_CINT,0,4   ;  Clear Interrupt Request
EDMA_CERR       equ             MBAR_EDMA+$01D  ; Clear Error Register (8b)
CAEI            cfbit           EDMA_CERR,6     ;  Clear All Error Indicators
CERR            cffield         EDMA_CERR,0,4   ;  Clear Error Indicator
EDMA_SSRT       equ             MBAR_EDMA+$01E  ; Set START Bit Register (8b)
SAST            cfbit           EDMA_SSRT,6     ;  Set All START Bits
SSRT            cffield         EDMA_SSRT,0,4   ;  Set START Bit
EDMA_CDNE       equ             MBAR_EDMA+$01F  ; Clear DONE Status Bit Register (8b)
CADN            cfbit           EDMA_CDNE,6     ;  Clears All DONE Bits
CDNE            cffield         EDMA_CDNE,0,4   ;  Clear DONE Bit
EDMA_INT        equ             MBAR_EDMA+$026  ; Interrupt Request Register (32b)
EDMA_ERR        equ             MBAR_EDMA+$02E  ; Error Register (32b)
__N             set             0
                rept            16
                __decstr        __NS,__N
DCHPRI{__NS}    equ             MBAR_EDMA+$100+__N ; Channel n Priority Register (8b)
ECP             cfbit           DCHPRI{__NS},7  ;  Enable Channel Preemption
CHPRI           cffield         DCHPRI{__NS},0,4 ;  Channel n Arbitration Priority
TCD{__NS}       equ             MBAR_EDMA+$1000+(__N*32) ; Transfer Control Descriptor (256b)
TCD{__NS}_SADDR equ             TCD{__NS}+0     ;  Source Address (32b)
TCD{__NS}_ATTR  equ             TCD{__NS}+4     ;  Transfer Attributes (16b)
SMOD            cffield         TCD{__NS}_ATTR,11,5 ;   Source Address Modulo
SSIZE           cffield         TCD{__NS}_ATTR,8,3 ;   Source data Transfer Size
DMOD            cffield         TCD{__NS}_ATTR,3,5 ;   Destination Address Modulo
DSIZE           cffield         TCD{__NS}_ATTR,0,3 ;   Destination Data Transfer Size
TCD{__NS}_SOFF  equ             TCD{__NS}+6     ;  Signed Source Address Offset (16b)
TCD{__NS}_NBYTES        equ     TCD{__NS}+8     ;  Minor Byte Count (32b)
TCD{__NS}_SLAST equ             TCD{__NS}+12    ;  Last Source Address Adjustment (32b)
TCD{__NS}_DADDR equ             TCD{__NS}+16    ;  Destination Address (32b)
TCD{__NS}_CITER equ             TCD{__NS}+20    ;  Current Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (16b)
E_LINK          cfbit           TCD{__NS}_CITER,15 ;   Enable Channel-to-Channel Linking
LINKCH          cffield         TCD{__NS}_CITER,9,4 ;   Link Channel Number
TCD{__NS}_DOFF  equ             TCD{__NS}+22    ;  Signed Destination Address Offset (16b)
TCD{__NS}_DLAST_SGA     equ     TCD{__NS}+24    ;  Last Destination Address Adjustment/Scatter Gather Address (32b)
TCD{__NS}_BITER equ             TCD{__NS}+28    ;  Beginning Minor Loop Link, Major Loop Count (16b)
E_LINK          cfbit           TCD{__NS}_BITER,15 ;   Enables Channel-to-Channel Linking
LINKCH          cffield         TCD{__NS}_BITER,9,4 ;   Link Channel Number
TCD{__NS}_CSR   equ             TCD{__NS}+30    ;  Control and Status (16b)
BWC             cffield         TCD{__NS}_CSR,14,2 ;   Bandwidth Control
MAJOR_LINKCH    cffield         TCD{__NS}_CSR,8,4 ;   Link Channel Number
DONE            cfbit           TCD{__NS}_CSR,7 ;   Channel Done
ACTIVE          cfbit           TCD{__NS}_CSR,6 ;   Channel Active
MAJOR_E_LINK    cfbit           TCD{__NS}_CSR,5 ;   Enable Channel-to-Channel Linking
E_SG            cfbit           TCD{__NS}_CSR,4 ;   Enable Scatter/Gather Processing
D_REQ           cfbit           TCD{__NS}_CSR,3 ;   Disable Request
INT_HALF        cfbit           TCD{__NS}_CSR,2 ;   Enable an interrupt when major counter is half complete
INT_MAJOR       cfbit           TCD{__NS}_CSR,1 ;   Enable an interrupt when major iteration count completes
START           cfbit           TCD{__NS}_CSR,0 ;   Channel Start
__N             set             __N+1

                restore                         ; re-enable listing

                endif                           ; __52xxedmainc