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                ifndef  __52xxdraminc           ; avoid multiple inclusion
__52xxdraminc   equ     1

                listing off                     ; no listing over this file
;*                                                                          *
;*   AS 1.42 - File 52XXDRAM.INC                                            *
;*                                                                          *
;*   Contains SFR and Bit Definitions for ColdFire MCF52xx DRAM Controller  *
;*                                                                          *

SDMR            equ             MBAR_SDRAM+0    ; Mode/Extended Mode Register (32b)
BK              cffield         SDMR,30,2       ;  Bank Address
AD              cffield         SDMR,18,12      ;  Address
CMD             cfbit           SDMR,16         ;  Command
SDCR            equ             MBAR_SDRAM+4    ; Control Register (32b)
MODE_EN         cfbit           SDCR,31         ;  SDRAM Mode Register Programming Enable
CKE             cfbit           SDCR,30         ;  Clock Enable
DDR_MODE        cfbit           SDCR,29         ;  DDR Mode Select
REF_EN          cfbit           SDCR,28         ;  Refresh Enable
ADDR_MUX        cffield         SDCR,24,2       ;  Use of Internal Address Bits A[27:24]
OE_RULE         cfbit           SDCR,22         ;  Drive Rule Selection
REF_CNT         cffield         SDCR,16,6       ;  Refresh Rate
MEM_PS          cfbit           SDCR,13         ;  Memory Data Port Size
DQS_OE          cffield         SDCR,10,2       ;  DQS Output Enable
IREF            cfbit           SDCR,2          ;  Initiate Refresh Command
IPALL           cfbit           SDCR,1          ;  Initiate Precharge All Command
SDCFG1          equ             MBAR_SDRAM+8    ; Configuration Register 1 (32b)
SRD2RWP         cffield         SDCFG1,28,4     ;  Single Read to Read/Write/Precharge Delay
SWT2RWP         cffield         SDCFG1,24,3     ;  Single Write to Read/Write/Precharge Delay
RD_LAT          cffield         SDCFG1,20,4     ;  Read CAS Latency
ACT2RW          cffield         SDCFG1,16,3     ;  Active to Read/Write Delay
PRE2ACT         cffield         SDCFG1,12,3     ;  Precharge to Active Delay
REF2ACT         cffield         SDCFG1,8,4      ;  Refresh to Active Delay
WT_LAT          cffield         SDCFG1,4,3      ;  Write Latency
SDCFG2          equ             MBAR_SDRAM+12   ; Configuration Register 2 (32b)
BRD2RP          cffield         SDCFG2,28,4     ;  Burst Read to Read/Precharge Delay
BWT2RWP         cffield         SDCFG2,24,4     ;  Burst Write to Read/Write/Precharge Delay
BRD2W           cffield         SDCFG2,20,4     ;  Burst Read to Write Delay
BL              cffield         SDCFG2,16,4     ;  Burst Length
__defsdcs       macro           N,Addr
SDCS{N}         equ             Addr            ; Chip Select Configuration (32b)
CSBA            cffield         SDCS{N},20,12   ;  Chip-Select Base Address
CSSZ            cffield         SDCS{N},0,4     ;  Chip Select Size
                __defsdcs       "0",MBAR_SDRAM+16
                __defsdcs       "1",MBAR_SDRAM+20

                restore                         ; re-enable listing

                endif                           ; __52xxdraminc