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ifndef bitfuncsinc ; avoid multiple inclusion
bitfuncsinc equ 1
listing off ; no listing over this file
;* *
;* AS 1.42 - File BITFUNCS.INC *
;* *
;* Contains Functions For Bit Manipulation *
;* *
if mompass=1
message "Standard Bit Manipulation Functions (C) 1993 Alfred Arnold"
; some sub-functions for a start:
; delivers a mask with 'bits' bits set, starting at position 'start', used for
; masking individual bits:
mask function start,bits,((1<<bits)-1)<<start
; the same in inverted form to clear bit groups:
invmask function start,bits,~mask(start,bits)
; delivers the bits from 'start' to 'start'+'bits'-1 from 'x':
cutout function x,start,bits,x&mask(start,bits)
; some commonly used bit masks:
; upper byte of a 16 bit word:
hi function x,(x>>8)&255
; the same for the lower byte:
lo function x,x&255
; upper half of a 32 bit word:
hiword function x,(x>>16)&65535
; the same for the lower half:
loword function x,x&65535
; boolean functions, whether a number is odd or even::
odd function x,(x&1)=1
even function x,(x&1)=0
; delivers bit 'n' from 'x':
getbit function x,n,(x>>n)&1
; Shift Functions:
; Shift a word of 'size' bits by 'n' positions to the left or right:
shln function x,size,n,(x<<n)&mask(0,size)
shrn function x,size,n,(x>>n)&mask(0,size-n)
; Rotate a word of 'size' bits by 'n' positions to the left or right;
; the first sub-term leaves the remaining bits unchanged and may be deleted if undesired:
rotln function x,size,n,cutout(x,size,32-size)|shln(x,size,n)|shrn(x,size,size-n)
rotrn function x,size,n,cutout(x,size,32-size)|shrn(x,size,n)|shln(x,size,size-n)
restore ; allow listing again
endif ; bitfuncsinc