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ifndef bcdicinc
bcdicinc equ 1
save ; no listing over this file
listing off
; this translates the ASCII characters 0...127
; to their BCDIC (codepage 359) representation, as far as possible.
; codepage359 is the closest I could find that matches the (lower shift)
; character set listend in the IBM 5100 Comnunications Reference Manual.
; It is probably NOT the character set used internally by the 5100, which
; is said to be some variant of EBCDIC.
; NOTE: The save/restore mechanism will assure that after inclusion
; of this file, you still use the same character mapping as you
; did before. To activate this mapping, place a 'codepage cp359'
; in your code!
codepage cp359
; unused codes: 12,13,28,30,31,42,47,58,60,63
; where to map 'Start of Transmission' (11, same as '#', maybe 13 instead) ?
__bcdic_none equ 64 ; value not representable in 6 bits
charset 0, __bcdic_none ; NUL
charset 1, __bcdic_none ; SOH
charset 2, __bcdic_none ; STX
charset 3, __bcdic_none ; ETX
charset 4, 15 ; EOT
charset 5, __bcdic_none ; ENQ
charset 6, __bcdic_none ; ACK
charset 7, __bcdic_none ; BEL
charset 8, 46 ; BS
charset 9, 61 ; HT
charset 10, 29 ; LF
charset 11, __bcdic_none; VT
charset 12, __bcdic_none; FF
charset 13, 45 ; CR->NL?
charset 14, 14 ; SO->USH?
charset 15, 62 ; SI->LSH?
charset 16, __bcdic_none; DLE
charset 17, __bcdic_none; DC1
charset 18, __bcdic_none; DC2
charset 19, __bcdic_none; DC3
charset 20, __bcdic_none; DC4
charset 21, __bcdic_none; NAK
charset 22, __bcdic_none; SYN
charset 23, __bcdic_none; ETB
charset 24, 44 ; CAN->RST?
charset 25, __bcdic_none; EM
charset 26, __bcdic_none; SUB
charset 27, __bcdic_none; ESC
charset 28, __bcdic_none; FS
charset 29, __bcdic_none; GS
charset 30, __bcdic_none; RS
charset 31, __bcdic_none; US
charset ' ', 0
charset '!', __bcdic_none
charset '"', __bcdic_none
charset '#', 11
charset '$', 43
charset '%', __bcdic_none
charset '&', 48
charset '\'', __bcdic_none
charset '(', __bcdic_none
charset ')', __bcdic_none
charset '*', __bcdic_none
charset '+', __bcdic_none
charset ',', 27
charset '-', 32
charset '.', 59
charset '/', 17
charset '0', 10
charset '1', '9', 1
charset ':', __bcdic_none
charset ';', __bcdic_none
charset '<', __bcdic_none
charset '=', __bcdic_none
charset '>', __bcdic_none
charset '?', __bcdic_none
charset '@', 16
charset 'A', 'I', 49
charset 'J', 'R', 33
charset 'S', 'Z', 18
charset '[', __bcdic_none
charset '\\', __bcdic_none
charset ']', __bcdic_none
charset '^', __bcdic_none
charset '_', __bcdic_none
charset '`', __bcdic_none
charset 'a', 'i', __bcdic_none
charset 'j', 'r', __bcdic_none
charset 's', 'z', __bcdic_none
charset '{', __bcdic_none
charset '|', __bcdic_none
charset '}', __bcdic_none
charset '~', __bcdic_none
charset 127, __bcdic_none; DEL
restore ; restore previous listing state and code page
endif ; bcdicinc