\bibitem{Williams} Steve Williams: \\
{\em 68030 Assembly Language Reference.\/} \\
Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1989
\bibitem{AMD29K} Advanced Micro Devices: \\
{\em AM29240, AM29245, and AM29243 RISC
Microcontrollers.\/} \\
\bibitem{AppleFloat} Apple Corporation:: \\
{\em 6502 Floating Point Routines.\/} \\
Apple II Reference Manual (Red Book), January 1978, pages 94-95 \\
{\em AVR Enhanced RISC Microcontroller Data Book.\/} \\
May 1996
{\em 8-Bit AVR Assembler and Simulator Object File
Formats (Preliminary).\/} \\
(part of the AVR tools documentation)
\bibitem{CSG65CE02} Commodore Semiconductor Group: \\
{\em 65CE02 Microprocessor Preliminary Data Sheet.}
\bibitem{CMD816} CMD Microcircuits: \\
{\em G65SC802/G65SC816 CMOS 8/16-Bit Microprocessor.\/} \\
Family Data Sheet.
\bibitem{CFMAC} Freescale Semiconductor: \\
{\em Digital Signal Processing Libraries Using the ColdFire
eMAC and MAC User's Manual.\/}
DSPLIBUM, Rev. 1.2, 03/2006
\bibitem{COP4} National Semiconductor: \\
{\em COP410L/COP411L/COP310L/COP311L
Single-Chip N-Channel Microcontrollers.\/}
RRD-B30M105, March 1992
\bibitem{COPS} National Semiconductor: \\
{\em COPS Family User's Guide.\/}
\bibitem{CP1600} General Instrument Microelectronics: \\
{\em Series 1600 Microprocessor System Documentation..\/} \\
S16DOC-CP-1600-04, May 1975 \\
http://www.bitsavers.org/components/gi/CP1600/ \\
\bibitem{CPM68K} Digital Research: \\
{\em CP/M 68K Operating System User's Guide.\/} \\
{\em FasMath 83D87 User's Manual.\/} \\
\bibitem{Dallas320} Dallas Semiconductor: \\
{\em DS80C320 High-Speed Micro User's Guide.\/} \\
Version 1.30, 1/94
\bibitem{Fair1101} Fairchild Semiconductor: \\
{\em ACE1101 Data Sheet.\/} \\
Preliminary, May 1999
\bibitem{Fair1202} Fairchild Semiconductor: \\
{\em ACE1202 Data Sheet.\/} \\
Preliminary, May 1999
\bibitem{Fair8004} Fairchild Semiconductor: \\
{\em ACEx Guide to Developer Tools.\/}
AN-8004, Version 1.3 September 1998
\bibitem{FairF8UG} Fairchild Micro Systems: \\
{\em F8 User's Guide.\/}
67095665, 02-13-1976
\bibitem{FairF8GP} Fairchild Micro Systems: \\
{\em F8 Guide to Programming\/}
67095664, 1976
\bibitem{Free12X} Freescale Semiconductor: \\
{\em S12XCPUV1 Reference Manual.\/}
S12XCPUV1, v01.01, 03/2005
\bibitem{FreeRS08} Freescale Semiconductor: \\
{\em RS08 Core Reference Manual.\/}
RS08RM, Rev. 1.0, 04/2006
\bibitem{FreeXGATE} Freescale Semiconductor: \\
{\em MC9S12XDP512 Data Sheet.\/}
MC9S12XDP512, Rev. 2.11, 5/2005
\bibitem{FujitsuCD} Fujitsu Limited: \\
{\em June 1998 Semiconductor Data Book.\/} \\
\bibitem{Fujitsu16} Fujitsu Semiconductor: \\
{\em F$^2$MC16LX 16-Bit Microcontroller MB90500 Series
Programming Manual.\/} \\
CM44-00201-1E, 1998
\bibitem{GBZ80} {\em CPU Comparison with Z80.\/} \\
{\em 8-/16-Bit Microprocessor Data Book.\/} \\
\bibitem{Hit63} Trevor J.Terrel \& Robert J. Simpson: \\
{\em Understanding HD6301X/03X CMOS Microprocessor
Systems.\/} \\
published by Hitachi
\bibitem{HitH8_3} Hitachi Microcomputer: \\
{\em H8/300H Series Programming Manual.\/} \\
(21-032, no year of release given)
\bibitem{HitH16} Hitachi America, Ltd.: \\
{\em HD641016 User's Manual.\/} \\
ADE-602-003A, September 1989
\bibitem{HuC6280} {\em HuC6280 CMOS 8-bit Microprocessor Software Manual.\/}
{\em R65C19 Microcomputer Data Sheet.\/} \\
Document Number 29400N10, January 1992
\bibitem{SH7000} Hitachi Semiconductor Design \& Development Center: \\
{\em SH Microcomputer Hardware Manual
\bibitem{SH7700} Hitachi Semiconductor and IC Div.: \\
{\em SH7700 Series Programming Manual.\/} \\
1st Edition, September 1995
\bibitem{HMCS400} Hitachi America Ltd.:
{\em HMCS400 Series Handbook: Users Manual\/}
AD-E00078, March 1988
\bibitem{HitH8_5} Hitachi Semiconductor and IC Div.: \\
{\em H8/500 Series Programming Manual.\/} \\
(21-20, 1st Edition Feb. 1989)
\bibitem{HitH8_532} Hitachi Ltd.: \\
{\em H8/532 Hardware Manual.\/} \\
(21-30, no year of release given)
\bibitem{HitH8_534} Hitachi Ltd.: \\
{\em H8/534,H8/536 Hardware Manual.\/} \\
(21-19A, no year of release given)
\bibitem{HPNano} Hewlett Packard: \\
{ \em Nano Processor's Users Guide.\/} \\
Drawing Number A-5955-0331-1 \\
{\em PPC403GA Embedded Controller User's Manual.\/} \\
First Edition, September 1994
{\em IBM5100 ISA Opcodes Micro Instruction Set.\/} \\
https://github.com/voidstar78/IBM\_5100\_DOCS/blob/main/ \\
\bibitem{IBMBASIC5110} IBM Corp.: \\
{\em IBM5110 BASIC Reference Manual.\/} \\
SA21-9306-0, First Edition, January 1978 \\
http://www.bitsavers.org/pdf/ibm/5110/ \\
\bibitem{IBMMaint5100} IBM Corp.: \\
{\em IBM5100 Maintenance Information Manual.\/} \\
SY31-0405-3, October 1979
\bibitem{CortPalm} Dokumentation zum IBM5110: \\
http://computermuseum.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/dev/ \\
{\em Embedded Controller Handbook.\/} \\
{\em Microprocessor and Peripheral Handbook, Volume I
Microprocessor.\/} \\
{\em MCS-48 Family of Single Chip Microcomputers User's Manual.\/} \\
September 1980
{\em 80960SA/SB Reference Manual.\/} \\
{\em 8XC196NT Microcontroller User's Manual.\/} \\
June 1995
{\em 8XC251SB High Performance CHMOS Single-Chip
Microcontroller.\/} \\
Sept. 1995, Order Number 272616-003
{\em 80296SA Microcontroller User's Manual.\/} \\
Sept. 1996
{\em 4040: Single-Chip 4-Bit P-Channel
Microprocessor.\/} \\
(no year of release given)
{\em CDP1802A, CDP1802AC, CDP1802BC CMOS 8-Bit
Microprocessors.\/} \\
March 1997
{\em CDP1804, CDP1804C Types Objective Data.} \\
(no year of release given)
{\em CDP1805AC, CDP1806AC CMOS 8-Bit Microprocessor
with On-Chip RAM and Counter/Timer.\/} \\
March 1997
{\em IM6100 CMOS 12 Bit Microprocessor.\/} \\
(no year of release given)
\bibitem{Kaku} Hirotsugu Kakugawa: \\
{\em A memo on the secret features of 6309.\/} \\
(available via World Wide Web: \\
{\em Programming Reference Manual KENBAK-1 Computer.} \\
\bibitem{LatMico8} Lattice Semiconductor Corporation: \\
{LatticeMico8 Microcontroller Users Guide.\/} \\
Reference Design RD1026, February 2008
\bibitem{MicroChip} Microchip Technology Inc.: \\
{\em Microchip Data Book.\/} \\
1993 Edition
\bibitem{Mil1750} US Department Of Defense: \\
{\em Military Standard Sixteen-Bit Computer
Instruction Set Architecture.\/} \\
MIL-STD-1750A (USAF), 2 July 1980
\bibitem{Mit41} Mitsubishi Electric: \\
{\em Single-Chip 8-Bit Microcomputers.\/} \\
Vol.2, 1987
\bibitem{Mit16} Mitsubishi Electric: \\
{\em Single-Chip 16-Bit Microcomputers.\/} \\
Enlarged edition, 1991
\bibitem{Mit8} Mitsubishi Electric: \\
{\em Single-Chip 8 Bit Microcomputers.\/} \\
Vol.2, 1992
\bibitem{Mit4500} Mitsubishi Electric: \\
{\em M34550Mx-XXXFP Users's Manual.\/} \\
Jan. 1994
\bibitem{Mit7751} Mitsubishi Electric: \\
{ 7751 Series Software Manual.\/} \\
Rev. 1.01, 980731
\bibitem{MitM16} Mitsubishi Electric: \\
{\em M16 Family Software Manual.\/} \\
First Edition, Sept. 1994
\bibitem{MitM16C} Mitsubishi Electric: \\
{\em M16C Software Manual.\/} \\
First Edition, Rev. C, 1996
\bibitem{Mit30600} Mitsubishi Electric: \\
{\em M30600-XXXFP Data Sheet.\/} \\
First Edition, April 1996
\bibitem{GreenM16} documentation about the M16/M32-developer's package
from Green Hills Software
\bibitem{Mostek1980} Mostek Corporation: \\
{\em Circuits and Systems Product Guide.\/} \\
1980, STD No 01009
\bibitem{Mostek3870} Mostek Corporation: \\
{\em 3870/F8 Microcomputer Data Book.\/} \\
1981, Publication Number MK79602
{\em Microprocessor, Microcontroller and Peripheral
Data.\/} \\
Vol. I+II, 1988
{\em MC68881/882 Floating Point Coprocessor User's
Manual.\/} \\
Second Edition, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs 1989
{\em MC68851 Paged Memory Management Unit User's
Manual.\/} \\
Second Edition, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs 1989,1988
{\em CPU32 Reference Manual.\/} \\
Rev. 1, 1990
{\em DSP56000/DSP56001 Digital Signal Processor User's
Manual.\/} \\
Rev. 2, 1990
{\em MC68340 Technical Summary.\/} \\
Rev. 2, 1991
{\em CPU16 Reference Manual.\/} \\
Rev. 1, 1991
{\em Motorola M68000 Family Programmer's
Reference Manual.\/} \\
{\em MC68332 Technical Summary.\/} \\
Rev. 2, 1993
{\em PowerPC 601 RISC Microprocessor User's Manual.\/} \\
{\em PowerPC(tm) MPC505 RISC Microcontroller Technical
Summary.\/} \\
{\em PowerPC(tm) MPC821 Portable Microprocessor User's Manual.\/} \\
{\em CPU12 Reference Manual.\/} \\
1st edition, 1996
{\em CPU08 Reference Manual.\/} \\
Rev. 1 (no year of release given im PDF-File)
{\em MC68360 User's Manual.\/}
\bibitem{MotCold} Motorola Inc.: \\
{\em MCF 5200 ColdFire Family Programmer's Reference
Manual.\/} \\
\bibitem{MotMCore} Motorola Inc.: \\
{\em M*Core Programmer's Reference Manual.\/} \\
\bibitem{Mot56300} Motorola Inc.: \\
{\em DSP56300 24-Bit Digital Signal Processor
Family Manual.\/} \\
Rev. 0 (no year of release given im PDF-File)
{\em MC68HC11K4 Technical Data.\/}
\bibitem{NECV60PgmRef} NEC Electronics Inc.: \\
{\em $\mu$PD70616 Programmer's Reference Manual.\/} \\
Preliminary Information, November 1986
\bibitem{OKIMicro} OKI Semiconductor: \\
{\em Microcontroller Data Book.\/}
Second Edition, December 1986
\bibitem{SCMP} National Semiconductor: \\
{\em SC/MP Program\-mier- und
As\-sem\-bler-Hand\-buch.\/} \\
Publication Number 4200094A, Aug. 1976
\bibitem{AsmCop} National Semiconductor: \\
{\em COP800 Assembler/Linker/Librarian User's
Manual.\/} \\
Customer Order Number COP8-ASMLNK-MAN \\
NSC Publication Number 424421632-001B \\
August 1993
\bibitem{Cop87L84} National Semiconductor: \\
{\em COP87L84BC microCMOS One-Time-Programmable (OTP)
Microcontroller.\/} \\
Preliminary, March 1996
\bibitem{IMP16Pgm} National Semiconductor: \\
{\em IMP-16 Programming and Assembler Manual.\/} \\
Order No. IMP-16S/102YB, Pub. No 4200002B, November 1973
\bibitem{IMP16LUM} National Semiconductor: \\
{\em IMP-16L Users Manual.\/} \\
Order No. IMP-16L/928X, Pub. No 4200028X, April 1974
\bibitem{PACEDS} National Semiconductor: \\
{\em IPC-16A/520D MOS/LSI Single Chip Microprocessor (PACE).\/}
\bibitem{PACEASM} National Semiconductor: \\
{\em PACE Microprocessor Assembly Language Programming Manual.\/} \\
Order No. IPC-16S/969Y, Pub. No 4200130A, January 1977
\bibitem{INS8900DS} National Semiconductor: \\
{\em INS8900 Single-Chip 16-Bit N-Channel Microprocessor.\/} \\
\bibitem{Nat14xxx} National Semiconductor: \\
{\em SC14xxx DIP commands Reference guide.} \\
Application Note AN-D-031, Version 0.4, 12-28-1998
\bibitem{Nat8070} National Semiconductor: \\
{\em INS8070-Series Microprocessor Family.\/}
October 1980
\bibitem{Nat32000} National Semiconductor: \\
{\em Series 32000 Databook.\/} \\
\bibitem{Nat32CG16} National Semiconductor: \\
{\em NS32CG16-10/NS32CG16-15 High Performance Printer/Display Processor.\/} \\
Preliminary, November 1995
\bibitem{Instr32000} National Semiconductor and Udo M\"oller: \\
{\em Series 32000 Instruction Set Manual.\/} \\
6. September 2017, available via www.cpu.ns32k.net
{\em $\mu$pD70108/$\mu$pD70116/$\mu$pD70208/$\mu$pD70216/$\mu$pD72091
Data Book.\/} \\
(no year of release given)
\bibitem{NEC78K0} NEC Electronics Europe GmbH: \\
{\em User's Manual $\mu$COM-87 AD Family.\/} \\
(no year of release given)
{\em $\mu$COM-75x Family 4-bit CMOS Microcomputer User's
Manual.\/} \\
Vol. I+II (no year of release given)
{\em 78K/II Series 8-Bit Single-Chip Microcontroller
User's Manual - Instructions.\/} \\
Document No. U10228EJ6V0UM00 (6th edition), December 1995
{\em uPD78310/312CW/G 8 Bit CMOS Microcomputer Product
{\em Digital Signal Processor Product Description.\/} \\
PDDSP.....067V20 (no year of release given)
{\em $\mu$PD78070A, 78070AY 8-Bit Single-Chip Microcontroller
User's Manual.\/} \\
Document No. U10200EJ1V0UM00 (1st edition), August 1995
{\em Data Sheet $\mu$PD78014.\/}
{\em $\mu$PD70616 Programmer's Reference Manual.\/} \\
Preliminary Information, November 1986
\bibitem{NXPS12ZCore} NXP/Freescale: \\
{\em CPU S12Z Reference Manual.} \\
CPUS12ZRM, Rev. 1.01, 01/2013
{\em MC9S12ZVC-Family Reference Manual and Datasheet.} \\
MC9S12ZVCRMV1, Rev. 1.9, 29-January-2018
\bibitem{ParaSX20} Parallax Inc. \\
{ SX20AC/SX28AC Data Sheet.}
Revision 1.7, 4/23/2008
\bibitem{PDP11Arch} Digital Equipment Corporation: \\
{ PDP-11 Architecture Handbook.}
1983 Edition, EB-23657-18
\bibitem{MACRO11} Digital Equipment Corporation: \\
{ PDP-11 MACRO-11 Language Reference Manual.}
March 1983, AA-V027A-TC
\bibitem{Phil84X1} Philips Semiconductor: \\
{\em MAB84X1, MAF84X1, MAF84AX1 Family Datasheet.} \\
August 1990
\bibitem{PhilXA} Philips Semiconductor: \\
{\em 16-bit 80C51XA Microcontrollers (eXtended
Architecture).\/} \\
Data Handbook IC25, 1996
\bibitem{RockPPS4} Rockwell International Corporation: \\
{\em Parallel Processing System (PPS-4) Microcomputer Data Sheet.}
Document No. 29003 N11, 1973
\bibitem{RxOverview} RX Family Product Page, \\
https://www.renesas.com/us/en/products/ \\
microcontrollers-microprocessors/ \\
\bibitem{RxManual} RX Family Compiler and Assembler Manual: \\
https://www.renesas.com/us/en/document/mat/ \\
{\em Pocket Computer PC-1350 Machine Language Reference Manual.} \\
https://pockemul.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/ \\
\bibitem{SharpEsrL0} Sharp Corporation: \\
{\em ESR-L Instruction Manual.} \\
https://web.archive.org/web/20060521205349if\_/http:// \\
\bibitem{Sig2650} Signetics Corporation: \\
{\em Signetics 2650 Microprocessor.} \\
\bibitem{UM2650} Signetics Corporation: \\
{\em 2650 User's Manual.}
{\em M3870 Microcomputer Family Databook.\/}\\
1st edition, issued January 1983
\bibitem{SGS04} SGS-Thomson Microelectronics: \\
{\em 8 Bit MCU Families EF6801/04/05 Databook.\/}\\
1st edition, 1989
\bibitem{SGS62} SGS-Thomson Microelectronics: \\
{\em ST6210/ST6215/ST6220/ST6225 Databook.\/} \\
1st edition, 1991
{\em M380 uP System and Instruction Set.\/} \\
\bibitem{ST7Man} SGS-Thomson Microelectronics: \\
{\em ST7 Family Programming Manual.\/} \\
June 1995
\bibitem{SGS9} SGS-Thomson Microelectronics: \\
{\em ST9 Programming Manual.\/} \\
3rd edition, 1993
{\em SAB80C166/83C166 User's Manual.\/} \\
Edition 6.90
{\em SAB C167 Preliminary User's Manual.\/} \\
Revision 1.0, July 1992
{\em Telephone Controller (Single-Chip 8-Bit \\
CMOS Microcontroller) SAB80C382/SAB80C482.\/}\\
May 1987
{\em SAB-C502 8-Bit Single-Chip Microcontroller User's
Manual.\/} \\
Edition 8.94
{\em SAB-C501 8-Bit Single-Chip Microcontroller User's
Manual.\/} \\
Edition 2.96
{\em C504 8-Bit CMOS Microcontroller User's Manual.\/} \\
Edition 5.96
\bibitem{STM8ProgMan} ST Microelectronics: \\
{\em STM8 CPU Programming Manual.\/} \\
PM0044, Doc ID 13590 Rev 3, September 2011
\bibitem{STM8SRefMan} ST Microelectronics: \\
{\em STM8S Series and STM8AF Series 8-bit Microcontrollers Reference Manual.\/} \\
RM0016, DocID14587 Rev 14, October 2017
\bibitem{STM8S003F3Sheet} ST Microelectronics: \\
{\em STM8S003F3 STM8S003K3 Data Sheet.\/} \\
DS7147 Rev 10, August 2018
{\em Programmierung des 68000.\/} \\
Sybex-Verlag D\"usseldorf, 1985
\bibitem{Sym8xx} Symbios Logic Inc: \\
{\em Symbios Logic PCI-SCSI-I/O Processors Programming
Guide.\/} \\
Version 2.0, 1995/96
\bibitem{Ti990} Texas Instruments: \\
{\em Model 990 Computer/TMS9900 Microprocessor
Assembly Language Programmer's Guide.\/} \\
1977, Manual No. 943441-9701
\bibitem{Ti9900} Texas Instruments: \\
{\em TMS9995 16-Bit Microcomputer.\/} \\
Preliminary Data Manual
\bibitem{Ti99000} Texas Instruments: \\
{\em TMS99105 and TMS99110A 16-Bit Microprocessors.\/} \\
Preliminary Data Manual
\bibitem{TiC10} Texas Instruments: \\
{\em First-Generation TMS320 User's Guide.\/} \\
1988, ISBN 2-86886-024-9
\bibitem{Ti7000} Texas Instruments: \\
{\em TMS7000 Family Data Manual.\/} \\
1991, DB103
\bibitem{TiC30} Texas Instruments: \\
{\em TMS320C3x User's Guide.\/} \\
Revision E, 1991
\bibitem{TiC20} Texas Instruments: \\
{\em TMS320C2x User's Guide.\/} \\
Revision C, Jan. 1993
\bibitem{TiC40} Texas Instruments: \\
{\em TMS320C4x User's Guide.\/} \\
SPRU063C, May 1999
\bibitem{Ti370} Texas Instruments: \\
{\em TMS370 Family Data Manual.\/} \\
1994, SPNS014B
\bibitem{Ti430FamSoft} Texas Instruments: \\
{\em MSP430 Family Software User's Guide.\/} \\
1994, SLAUE11
\bibitem{Ti430Met} Texas Instruments: \\
{\em MSP430 Metering Application.\/} \\
1996, SLAAE10A
\bibitem{Ti430FamArch} Texas Instruments: \\
{\em MSP430 Family Architecture User's Guide.\/} \\
1995, SLAUE10A
\bibitem{Ti430X} Texas Instruments: \\
{\em MSP430 MSP430x5xx and MSP430x6xx Family
User's Guide.\/} \\
October 2016, SLAU208
\bibitem{TiC60} Texas Instruments: \\
{\em TMS320C62xx CPU and Instruction Set Reference
Manual.\/} \\
Jan. 1997, SPRU189A
\bibitem{TiC20x} Texas Instruments: \\
{\em TMS320C20x User's Guide.\/} \\
April 1999, SPRU127C
\bibitem{Tispru131g} Texas Instruments: \\
{\em TMS320C54x DSP Reference Set;
Volume 1: CPU and Peripherals.\/} \\
March 2001, SPRU172C
\bibitem{Tispru172c} Texas Instruments: \\
{\em TMS320C54x DSP; Volume 2: Mnemonic Instruction
Set.\/} \\
March 2001, SPRU172C
\bibitem{TMS1000PGMRef} Texas Instruments: \\
{\em TMS 1000 Series MOS/LSI One-Chip
Microcomputers Programmer's Reference
Manual.\/} \\
CM122-1 1275, 1975
{\em 8-Bit Microcontroller TLCS-90 Development System
Manual.\/} \\
\bibitem{Tosh870} Toshiba Corp.: \\
{\em 8-Bit Microcontroller TLCS-870 Series Data
Book.\/} \\
\bibitem{Tosh900} Toshiba Corp.: \\
{\em 16-Bit Microcontroller TLCS-900 Series Users
Manual.\/} \\
\bibitem{Tosh900L} Toshiba Corp.: \\
{\em 16-Bit Microcontroller TLCS-900 Series Data Book: \\
TMP93CM40F/ TMP93CM41F.\/} \\
{\em 4-Bit Microcontroller TLCS-47E/47/470/470A Development
System Manual.\/} \\
\bibitem{Tosh9000} Toshiba Corp.: \\
{\em TLCS-9000/16 Instruction Set Manual Version
2.2.\/} \\
10. Feb 1994
\bibitem{Tosh9331} Toshiba Corp.: \\
{\em TC9331 Digital Audio Signal Processor
Application Information.}
{\em Bipolare Mikroprozessoren und bipolare
LSI-Schaltungen.\/} \\
Datenbuch, 1985, ISBN 3-87095-186-9
\bibitem{WD16} Western Digital Corporation: \\
{\em WD16 Microcomputer Programmer's Reference Manual.\/} \\
4 October 1976
\bibitem{Xil213} Ken Chapman (Xilinx Inc.):\\
{\em PicoBlaze 8-Bit Microcontroller for Virtex-E
and Spartan-II/IIE Devices.\/} \\
Application Note XAPP213, Version 2.1, February 2003
{\em PicoBlaze 8-bit Embedded Microcontroller User Guide
for Spartan-3, Virtex-II, and Virtex-II Pro FPGAs.\/} \\
UG129 (v1.1) June 10, 2004
{\em The XMOS XS1 Architecture.\/} \\
Publication Date: 2009/10/19, Copyright 2009 XMOS Ltd.
\bibitem{Zilog} data sheets from Zilog about the Z80 family
{\em Z8 Microcontrollers Databook.\/} \\
{\em Discrete Z8 Microcontrollers Databook.\/} \\
(no year of release given)
{\em Z380 CPU Central Processing Unit User's
Manual.\/} \\
(no year of release given)
{\em eZ8 CPU User Manual.\/} \\
{\em Z88C00 CMOS Super8 ROMless MCU Product Specification\/} \\
2003, PS014602-0103
{\em Z8 Encore! F0830 Series Product Specification\/} \\
2012, PS025113-1212
{\em Z8000 Technical Manual\/} \\
January 1983