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All right, I couldn't resist to port the C version back to DOS.  It was
tricky, and I had to fight again all the limitations and bullshit MS-DOS
brings.  For porting, I used Borland C in version 3.1 .  Older versions
might work also, but you will probably have to take out a lot of code
generator modules if your version of Turbo/Borland-C does not offer
overlays.  Porting to compilers from other manufacturers is probably not
impossible, but surely more effort than buying a used copy of BC3.1...

Don't bother with the dozens of warnings issued by the compiler concerning
unused parameters: Things have to be like that since functions are called 
via pointers and some functions need the parameters and some not.  There
must be a switch somewhere to silence the compiler..

Copy 'Makefile.dos' to 'Makefile' and move the 'makedef.dos' (I hate this
8+3 limit!) to 'Makefile.def'.  Compiling and test run should then work
as usual.  Assure that you have at least 600 Kbytes of free DOS memory
or otherwise the larger tests might fail!  For the DOS platform, the 
CKMALLOC symbol is defined to automatically check for out-of-memory
conditions.  The 'wrapped' functions are malloc(), realloc(), and strdup().
There must be a function missing, since AS still occasionally crashes when
he runs out of memory....

Compiling for DOS protected mode is also possible.  Use the 'makedef.dpmi'
as 'Makefile.def'.  I tested this with Borland-C 4.5 and the Powerpack for
BC 4.X .