#include "_global.h"
const u8 BlahBlah[] PROGMEM =
"\0\0\0\0================ Test&Service ================";
const u8 msg_title1[] PROGMEM =
" ZX Evolution Test&Service ";
// | ZX Evolution Test&Service (110203) |
//width limited! "01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012"
const u8 msg_title2[] PROGMEM = "http://www.NedoPC.com/";
const u8 msg_pintest_rus[] PROGMEM = "\r\n\nПроверка выводов ATMEGA128... ";
const u8 msg_pintest_eng[] PROGMEM = "\r\n\nATMEGA128 pins check... ";
PGM_U8_P mlmsg_pintest[] PROGMEM = {msg_pintest_rus, msg_pintest_eng};
const u8 msg_pintest_ok_rus[] PROGMEM = "Проблем не обнаружено.";
const u8 msg_pintest_ok_eng[] PROGMEM = "No problems found.";
PGM_U8_P mlmsg_pintest_ok[] PROGMEM = {msg_pintest_ok_rus, msg_pintest_ok_eng};
const u8 msg_pintest_error_rus[] PROGMEM = "\r\nОбнаружена проблема на порту(-ах): ";
const u8 msg_pintest_error_eng[] PROGMEM = "\r\nHave a problem at port(s): ";
PGM_U8_P mlmsg_pintest_error[] PROGMEM = {msg_pintest_error_rus, msg_pintest_error_eng};
const u8 msg_pintest_pa[] PROGMEM = "PAx ";
const u8 msg_pintest_pb[] PROGMEM = "PBx ";
const u8 msg_pintest_pc[] PROGMEM = "PCx ";
const u8 msg_pintest_pd[] PROGMEM = "PD5 ";
const u8 msg_pintest_pe[] PROGMEM = "PEx ";
const u8 msg_pintest_pg[] PROGMEM = "PGx ";
const u8 msg_halt_rus[] PROGMEM = "\r\nПрограмма остановлена!";
const u8 msg_halt_eng[] PROGMEM = "\r\nProgram is halted!";
PGM_U8_P mlmsg_halt[] PROGMEM = {msg_halt_rus, msg_halt_eng};
const u8 msg_statusof_rus[] PROGMEM = "\n\rСостояние ";
const u8 msg_statusof_eng[] PROGMEM = "\n\rStatus of ";
PGM_U8_P mlmsg_statusof_crlf[] PROGMEM = {msg_statusof_rus, msg_statusof_eng };
PGM_U8_P mlmsg_statusof_cr[] PROGMEM = {msg_statusof_rus+1,msg_statusof_eng+1};
const u8 msg_power_pg[] PROGMEM = "POWERGOOD=";
const u8 msg_power_vcc5[] PROGMEM = ", VCC5=";
const u8 msg_power_on_rus[] PROGMEM = "\r\nВключение питания ATX...\n";
const u8 msg_power_on_eng[] PROGMEM = "\r\nATX power up...\n";
PGM_U8_P mlmsg_power_on[] PROGMEM = {msg_power_on_rus, msg_power_on_eng};
const u8 msg_cfgfpga_rus[] PROGMEM = "\r\nЗагрузка конфигурации в FPGA... ";
const u8 msg_cfgfpga_eng[] PROGMEM = "\r\nSet FPGA configuration... ";
PGM_U8_P mlmsg_cfgfpga[] PROGMEM = {msg_cfgfpga_rus, msg_cfgfpga_eng};
const u8 msg_done1_rus[] PROGMEM = "Завершено.\r\nПроверка обмена с FPGA... ";
const u8 msg_done1_eng[] PROGMEM = "Done.\r\nFPGA data exchange test... ";
PGM_U8_P mlmsg_done1[] PROGMEM = {msg_done1_rus, msg_done1_eng};
const u8 msg_ok[] PROGMEM = "Ok.";
const u8 msg_someerrors_rus[] PROGMEM = "Есть ошибки!";
const u8 msg_someerrors_eng[] PROGMEM = "We have some errors!";
PGM_U8_P mlmsg_someerrors[] PROGMEM = {msg_someerrors_rus, msg_someerrors_eng};
const u8 msg_spi_test_rus[] PROGMEM = "\r\nКоличество неправильных байт из 50000 -";
const u8 msg_spi_test_eng[] PROGMEM = "\r\nQuantity wrong byte from 50000 -";
PGM_U8_P mlmsg_spi_test[] PROGMEM = {msg_spi_test_rus, msg_spi_test_eng};
const u8 msg_kbd_detect_rus[] PROGMEM = "\r\nПроверка клавиатуры PS/2...\r\n";
const u8 msg_kbd_detect_eng[] PROGMEM = "\r\nPS/2 keyboard check...\r\n";
PGM_U8_P mlmsg_kbd_detect[] PROGMEM = {msg_kbd_detect_rus, msg_kbd_detect_eng};
const u8 msg_noresponse_rus[] PROGMEM = " ...нет ответа\r\n";
const u8 msg_noresponse_eng[] PROGMEM = " ...no response\r\n";
PGM_U8_P mlmsg_noresponse[] PROGMEM = {msg_noresponse_rus, msg_noresponse_eng};
const u8 msg_unwanted_rus[] PROGMEM = " <- неожидаемый ответ\r\n";
const u8 msg_unwanted_eng[] PROGMEM = " <- unwanted response\r\n";
PGM_U8_P mlmsg_unwanted[] PROGMEM = {msg_unwanted_rus, msg_unwanted_eng};
const u8 msg_txfail_rus[] PROGMEM = " ...сбой при передаче\r\n";
const u8 msg_txfail_eng[] PROGMEM = " ...fail to transmit\r\n";
PGM_U8_P mlmsg_txfail[] PROGMEM = {msg_txfail_rus, msg_txfail_eng};
const u8 msg_ready[] PROGMEM = "---\r\n";
const u8 msg_menu_help_rus[] PROGMEM =
"\x16\x05\x0e" "Основные клавиши управления:"
"\x16\x05\x0f" "<>, <>"
"\x16\x05\x10" "<Enter> - \"Да\", выбор"
"\x16\x05\x11" "<Esc> - \"Нет\", отмена, выход"
"\x16\x05\x12" "Горячие клавиши (только в меню):"
"\x16\x05\x13" "<ScrollLock> - режим TV/VGA"
"\x16\x05\x14" "<CapsLock> - язык интерфейса";
const u8 msg_menu_help_eng[] PROGMEM =
"\x16\x05\x0e" "Usage:"
"\x16\x05\x0f" "<>, <>"
"\x16\x05\x10" "<Enter> - \"Yes\", select"
"\x16\x05\x11" "<Esc> - \"No\", cancel, exit"
"\x16\x05\x12" "Hot-keys (in menu only):"
"\x16\x05\x13" "<ScrollLock> - toggle TV/VGA mode"
"\x16\x05\x14" "<CapsLock> - language switch";
//width limited! "567890123456789012345678901234567"
PGM_U8_P mlmsg_menu_help[] PROGMEM = {msg_menu_help_rus, msg_menu_help_eng};
const u8 msg_tbeep_rus[] PROGMEM =
"\x16\x1a\x0a" "Гц" "\x16\x0a\x0c" "<>, <> - изменение частоты" "\x15\x0f";
const u8 msg_tbeep_eng[] PROGMEM =
"\x16\x1a\x0a" "Hz" "\x16\x0e\x0c" "<>, <> - frequence" "\x15\x0f";
//width limited! "0123456789012345678901234567"
PGM_U8_P mlmsg_tbeep[] PROGMEM = {msg_tbeep_rus, msg_tbeep_eng};
const u8 msg_tzxk1_rus[] PROGMEM = "\x16\x0e\x07Клавиатура ZX\x16\x23\x07Джойстик";
const u8 msg_tzxk1_eng[] PROGMEM = "\x16\x0f\x07ZX Keyboard\x16\x23\x07Joystick";
PGM_U8_P mlmsg_tzxk1[] PROGMEM = {msg_tzxk1_rus, msg_tzxk1_eng};
const u8 msg_tzxk2[] PROGMEM =
"\x16\x0b\x09" "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0"
"\x16\x0b\x0a" "Q W E R T Y U I O P"
"\x16\x0b\x0b" "A S D F G H J K L e"
"\x16\x0b\x0c" "c Z X C V B N M s s"
"\x16\x26\x0a" "\x18"
"\x16\x24\x0b" "\x1b F \x1a"
"\x16\x26\x0c" "\x19"
"\x16\x0e\x0f" "SoftReset"
"\x16\x1e\x0f" "TurboKey";
const u8 msg_tps2k0_rus[] PROGMEM =
"\x16\x05\x13" "Трёхкратное нажатие <ESC> - выход из теста.";
const u8 msg_tps2k0_eng[] PROGMEM =
"\x16\x0a\x13" "Press <ESC> three times to exit.";
//width limited! "5678901234567890123456789012345678901234567"
PGM_U8_P mlmsg_tps2k0[] PROGMEM = {msg_tps2k0_rus, msg_tps2k0_eng};
const u8 msg_tps2k1[] PROGMEM =
"\x16\x05\x07" "e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 p s p \x07 \x07 \x07"
"\x16\x05\x09" "` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - = \x1b i h u n / * -"
"\x16\x05\x0a" "t Q W E R T Y U I O P [ ] \\ d e d 7 8 9"
"\x16\x05\x0b" "c A S D F G H J K L ; ' e 4 5 6 +"
"\x16\x05\x0c" "s Z X C V B N M , . / s \x18 1 2 3"
"\x16\x05\x0d" "c w a s a w m c \x1b \x19 \x1a 0 . e"
"\x16\x05\x10" "Raw data:\x16\x04\x0f";
const u8 msg_mouse_test_rus[] PROGMEM = "\r\nТестирование мыши... ";
const u8 msg_mouse_test_eng[] PROGMEM = "\r\nMouse test... ";
PGM_U8_P mlmsg_mouse_test[] PROGMEM = {msg_mouse_test_rus, msg_mouse_test_eng};
const u8 msg_mouse_detect_rus[] PROGMEM = "Обнаружение мыши... ";
const u8 msg_mouse_detect_eng[] PROGMEM = "Detecting mouse... ";
PGM_U8_P mlmsg_mouse_detect[] PROGMEM = {msg_mouse_detect_rus, msg_mouse_detect_eng};
const u8 msg_mouse_setup_rus[] PROGMEM = "Настройка... ";
const u8 msg_mouse_setup_eng[] PROGMEM = "Customization... ";
PGM_U8_P mlmsg_mouse_setup[] PROGMEM = {msg_mouse_setup_rus, msg_mouse_setup_eng};
const u8 msg_mouse_letsgo_rus[] PROGMEM = "Поехали!";
const u8 msg_mouse_letsgo_eng[] PROGMEM = "Let's go!";
PGM_U8_P mlmsg_mouse_letsgo[] PROGMEM = {msg_mouse_letsgo_rus, msg_mouse_letsgo_eng};
const u8 msg_mouse_fail0_rus[] PROGMEM = " Нет ответа от мыши.";
const u8 msg_mouse_fail0_eng[] PROGMEM = " No mouse response.";
//width limited! "1234567890123456789012345678901"
PGM_U8_P mlmsg_mouse_fail0[] PROGMEM = {msg_mouse_fail0_rus, msg_mouse_fail0_eng};
const u8 msg_mouse_fail1_rus[] PROGMEM = " Имеются некоторые проблемы.";
const u8 msg_mouse_fail1_eng[] PROGMEM = " There are some problems.";
//width limited! "1234567890123456789012345678901"
PGM_U8_P mlmsg_mouse_fail1[] PROGMEM = {msg_mouse_fail1_rus, msg_mouse_fail1_eng};
const u8 msg_mouse_restart_rus[] PROGMEM = " <Enter> - перезапустить тест.";
const u8 msg_mouse_restart_eng[] PROGMEM = " <Enter> - restart test.";
//width limited! "1234567890123456789012345678901"
PGM_U8_P mlmsg_mouse_restart[] PROGMEM = {msg_mouse_restart_rus, msg_mouse_restart_eng};
const u8 msg_tpsm_1[] PROGMEM =
"\x16\x25\x0f" "Wheel ="
"\x16\x25\x0c" "L M R"
"\x16\x25\x11" "X ="
"\x16\x25\x12" "Y =";
const u8 msg_mtst_rus[] PROGMEM =
"\x16\x23\x12" " Тест DRAM "
"\x16\x20\x13" "Проведено циклов"
"\x16\x20\x14" "без ошибок"
"\x16\x20\x15" "с ошибками";
const u8 msg_mtst_eng[] PROGMEM =
"\x16\x23\x12" " DRAM test "
//width limited! "23456789012345678"
"\x16\x20\x13" "Loops"
//width limited! "23456789012345678"
"\x16\x20\x14" "Pass"
//width limited! "2345678901"
"\x16\x20\x15" "Fail";
//width limited! "2345678901"
PGM_U8_P mlmsg_mtst[] PROGMEM = {msg_mtst_rus, msg_mtst_eng};
const u8 msg_menu_swlng_rus[] PROGMEM = "\x16\x17\x0c" "Русский";
const u8 msg_menu_swlng_eng[] PROGMEM = "\x16\x17\x0c" "English";
//width limited! "456789012345678901234567"
PGM_U8_P mlmsg_menu_swlng[] PROGMEM = {msg_menu_swlng_rus, msg_menu_swlng_eng};
const u8 msg_fl_menu_rus[] PROGMEM =
"\x16\x02\x02" "Выход"
"\x16\x02\x03" "Всё снова"
"\x16\x02\x04" "Стереть м/сх."
"\x16\x02\x05" "Добав.задание"
"\x16\x02\x06" "Выполнить";
const u8 msg_fl_menu_eng[] PROGMEM =
"\x16\x02\x02" "Exit"
"\x16\x02\x03" "Retrieve all"
"\x16\x02\x04" "Erase chip"
"\x16\x02\x05" "Add job"
"\x16\x02\x06" "Execute jobs";
//width limited! "2345678901234"
PGM_U8_P mlmsg_fl_menu[] PROGMEM = {msg_fl_menu_rus, msg_fl_menu_eng};
const u8 msg_fp_nofiles_rus[] PROGMEM = "\x15\x9f" " Нет файлов ";
const u8 msg_fp_nofiles_eng[] PROGMEM = "\x15\x9f" " No files ";
//width fixed! "123456789012"
PGM_U8_P mlmsg_fp_nofiles[] PROGMEM = {msg_fp_nofiles_rus, msg_fp_nofiles_eng};
const u8 msg_fl_readrom_rus[] PROGMEM =
"\x16\x02\x0a" "Чтение Flash"
"\x16\x02\x0b" "<ESC> - выход";
const u8 msg_fl_readrom_eng[] PROGMEM =
"\x16\x02\x0a" "Read Flash..."
"\x16\x02\x0b" "<ESC> - exit";
//width limited! "2345678901234"
PGM_U8_P mlmsg_fl_readrom[] PROGMEM = {msg_fl_readrom_rus, msg_fl_readrom_eng};
const u8 msg_fl_sdinit_rus[] PROGMEM =
"\x16\x02\x0b\x15\x9f" "Иниц.SD карты";
const u8 msg_fl_sdinit_eng[] PROGMEM =
"\x16\x02\x0b\x15\x9f" "SDcard init. ";
//width limited! "2345678901234"
PGM_U8_P mlmsg_fl_sdinit[] PROGMEM = {msg_fl_sdinit_rus, msg_fl_sdinit_eng};
const u8 msg_fl_sderror1_rus[] PROGMEM = " Нет SD карты! ";
const u8 msg_fl_sderror1_eng[] PROGMEM = " No SD-card! ";
//width fixed! "123456789012345"
PGM_U8_P mlmsg_fl_sderror1[] PROGMEM = {msg_fl_sderror1_rus, msg_fl_sderror1_eng};
const u8 msg_fl_sderror2_rus[] PROGMEM = " Ошибка чт. SD ";
const u8 msg_fl_sderror2_eng[] PROGMEM = " SD read error ";
//width fixed! "123456789012345"
PGM_U8_P mlmsg_fl_sderror2[] PROGMEM = {msg_fl_sderror2_rus, msg_fl_sderror2_eng};
const u8 msg_fl_sderror3_rus[] PROGMEM = " Нет FAT ! ";
const u8 msg_fl_sderror3_eng[] PROGMEM = " FAT no found! ";
//width fixed! "123456789012345"
PGM_U8_P mlmsg_fl_sderror3[] PROGMEM = {msg_fl_sderror3_rus, msg_fl_sderror3_eng};
const u8 msg_fl_sderror4_rus[] PROGMEM = " Ошибка FAT ! ";
const u8 msg_fl_sderror4_eng[] PROGMEM = " FAT error ! ";
//width fixed! "123456789012345"
PGM_U8_P mlmsg_fl_sderror4[] PROGMEM = {msg_fl_sderror4_rus, msg_fl_sderror4_eng};
//const u8 msg_fl_sderrorx_rus[] PROGMEM = " О, глюкануло! ";
//const u8 msg_fl_sderrorx_eng[] PROGMEM = " Great glitch! ";
////width fixed! "123456789012345"
//PGM_U8_P mlmsg_fl_sderrorx[] PROGMEM = {msg_fl_sderrorx_rus, msg_fl_sderrorx_eng};
const u8 msg_fl_sure_rus[] PROGMEM =
"\x16\x02\x0c\x15\x9e" " Уверен? <Y> ";
const u8 msg_fl_sure_eng[] PROGMEM =
"\x16\x02\x0c\x15\x9e" "You sure? <Y>";
//width fixed! "2345678901234"
PGM_U8_P mlmsg_fl_sure[] PROGMEM = {msg_fl_sure_rus, msg_fl_sure_eng};
const u8 msg_fl_erase_rus[] PROGMEM =
"\x16\x02\x0c\x15\x9e" "Стирание... ";
const u8 msg_fl_erase_eng[] PROGMEM =
"\x16\x02\x0c\x15\x9e" "Erase... ";
//width fixed! "2345678901234"
PGM_U8_P mlmsg_fl_erase[] PROGMEM = {msg_fl_erase_rus, msg_fl_erase_eng};
const u8 msg_fl_write_rus[] PROGMEM =
"\x16\x02\x0c\x15\x9e" "Запись... ";
const u8 msg_fl_write_eng[] PROGMEM =
"\x16\x02\x0c\x15\x9e" "Write... ";
//width fixed! "2345678901234"
PGM_U8_P mlmsg_fl_write[] PROGMEM = {msg_fl_write_rus, msg_fl_write_eng};
const u8 msg_fl_verify_rus[] PROGMEM =
"\x16\x02\x0c\x15\x9e" "Проверка... ";
const u8 msg_fl_verify_eng[] PROGMEM =
"\x16\x02\x0c\x15\x9e" "Verify... ";
//width fixed! "2345678901234"
PGM_U8_P mlmsg_fl_verify[] PROGMEM = {msg_fl_verify_rus, msg_fl_verify_eng};
const u8 msg_fl_complete_rus[] PROGMEM =
"\x16\x02\x0c\x15\x9e" "Завершено. ";
const u8 msg_fl_complete_eng[] PROGMEM =
"\x16\x02\x0c\x15\x9e" "Complete. ";
//width fixed! "2345678901234"
PGM_U8_P mlmsg_fl_complete[] PROGMEM = {msg_fl_complete_rus, msg_fl_complete_eng};
const u8 msg_flres0_rus[] PROGMEM =
"\x16\x0d\x06" "Запись в FlashROM завершена";
const u8 msg_flres0_eng[] PROGMEM =
"\x16\x12\x06" "Job(s) completed.";
//width limited! "23456789012345678901234567890"
PGM_U8_P mlmsg_flres0[] PROGMEM = {msg_flres0_rus, msg_flres0_eng};
const u8 msg_flres1_rus[] PROGMEM =
"\x16\x15\x07" "без ошибок.";
const u8 msg_flres1_eng[] PROGMEM =
"\x16\x11\x07" "No errors detected.";
//width limited! "23456789012345678901234567890"
PGM_U8_P mlmsg_flres1[] PROGMEM = {msg_flres1_rus, msg_flres1_eng};
const u8 msg_flres2_rus[] PROGMEM =
"\x16\x15\x07" "с ошибками!";
const u8 msg_flres2_eng[] PROGMEM =
"\x16\x0e\x07" "Some errors are detected!";
//width limited! "23456789012345678901234567890"
PGM_U8_P mlmsg_flres2[] PROGMEM = {msg_flres2_rus, msg_flres2_eng};
const u8 msg_sensors_rus[] PROGMEM = " Датчики: ";
const u8 msg_sensors_eng[] PROGMEM = " Sensors: ";
//width fixed! "012345678901"
PGM_U8_P mlmsg_sensors[] PROGMEM = {msg_sensors_rus, msg_sensors_eng};
const u8 msg_s_nocard_rus[] PROGMEM = " Нет карты ";
const u8 msg_s_nocard_eng[] PROGMEM = " No card ";
//width fixed! "2345678901234567890"
PGM_U8_P mlmsg_s_nocard[] PROGMEM = {msg_s_nocard_rus, msg_s_nocard_eng};
const u8 msg_s_inserted_rus[] PROGMEM = " Карта установлена ";
const u8 msg_s_inserted_eng[] PROGMEM = " Card inserted ";
//width fixed! "2345678901234567890"
PGM_U8_P mlmsg_s_inserted[] PROGMEM = {msg_s_inserted_rus, msg_s_inserted_eng};
const u8 msg_s_readonly_rus[] PROGMEM = " Защита от записи ";
const u8 msg_s_readonly_eng[] PROGMEM = " Read only ";
//width fixed! "1234567890123456789"
PGM_U8_P mlmsg_s_readonly[] PROGMEM = {msg_s_readonly_rus, msg_s_readonly_eng};
const u8 msg_s_writeen_rus[] PROGMEM = " Запись разрешена ";
const u8 msg_s_writeen_eng[] PROGMEM = " Write enabled ";
//width fixed! "1234567890123456789"
PGM_U8_P mlmsg_s_writeen[] PROGMEM = {msg_s_writeen_rus, msg_s_writeen_eng};
const u8 msg_tsd_init_rus[] PROGMEM = "Инициализация карточки...";
const u8 msg_tsd_init_eng[] PROGMEM = "Card initialization...";
PGM_U8_P mlmsg_tsd_init[] PROGMEM = {msg_tsd_init_rus, msg_tsd_init_eng};
const u8 msg_tsd_nocard_rus[] PROGMEM = "SD/MMC карта не обнаружена.";
const u8 msg_tsd_nocard_eng[] PROGMEM = "No SD/MMC card found.";
PGM_U8_P mlmsg_tsd_nocard[] PROGMEM = {msg_tsd_nocard_rus, msg_tsd_nocard_eng};
const u8 msg_tsd_foundcard_rus[] PROGMEM = "Обнаружена карта: ";
const u8 msg_tsd_foundcard_eng[] PROGMEM = "Found card: ";
PGM_U8_P mlmsg_tsd_foundcard[] PROGMEM = {msg_tsd_foundcard_rus, msg_tsd_foundcard_eng};
const u8 msg_tsd_menu_rus[] PROGMEM =
"\x16\x10\x0b" "Начать диагностику"
"\x16\x0c\x0c" "[ ] Подробный отчёт в RS-232";
const u8 msg_tsd_menu_eng[] PROGMEM =
"\x16\x11\x0b" "Start diagnostic"
"\x16\x0c\x0c" "[ ] Detailed log to RS-232";
//width limited! "2345678901234567890123456789"
PGM_U8_P mlmsg_tsd_menu[] PROGMEM = {msg_tsd_menu_rus, msg_tsd_menu_eng};
const u8 msg_tsd_foundfat_rus[] PROGMEM = "Обнаружена FAT";
const u8 msg_tsd_foundfat_eng[] PROGMEM = "Found FAT";
PGM_U8_P mlmsg_tsd_foundfat[] PROGMEM = {msg_tsd_foundfat_rus, msg_tsd_foundfat_eng};
const u8 msg_tsd_detect_rus[] PROGMEM = "Поиск файловой системы...";
const u8 msg_tsd_detect_eng[] PROGMEM = "Detecting of file system...";
PGM_U8_P mlmsg_tsd_detect[] PROGMEM = {msg_tsd_detect_rus, msg_tsd_detect_eng};
const u8 msg_tsd_readfile_rus[] PROGMEM = "Чтение тестового файла...";
const u8 msg_tsd_readfile_eng[] PROGMEM = "Reading of test file...";
PGM_U8_P mlmsg_tsd_readfile[] PROGMEM = {msg_tsd_readfile_rus, msg_tsd_readfile_eng};
const u8 msg_tsd_complete_rus[] PROGMEM = "Диагностика завершена.";
const u8 msg_tsd_complete_eng[] PROGMEM = "Diagnostic is complete.";
PGM_U8_P mlmsg_tsd_complete[] PROGMEM = {msg_tsd_complete_rus, msg_tsd_complete_eng};
const u8 msg_tsd_out[] PROGMEM = "\r\nout ";
const u8 msg_tsd_in[] PROGMEM = ", in ";
const u8 msg_tsd_cmd[] PROGMEM = "\r\n;CMD";
const u8 msg_tsd_acmd41[] PROGMEM = "\r\n;ACMD41";
const u8 msg_tsd_csup[] PROGMEM = "\r\nCS up";
const u8 msg_tsd_csdown[] PROGMEM = "\r\nCS down";
const u8 msg_tsd_mmc[] PROGMEM = "MMC";
const u8 msg_tsd_sdv1[] PROGMEM = "SD v1";
const u8 msg_tsd_sdsc[] PROGMEM = "SD v2+ Standard Capacity";
const u8 msg_tsd_sdhc[] PROGMEM = "SD v2+ High Capacity";
const u8 msg_tsd_ocr[] PROGMEM = "OCR: ";
const u8 msg_tsd_csd[] PROGMEM = "CSD: ";
const u8 msg_tsd_cid0[] PROGMEM = "CID: ";
const u8 msg_tsd_cid1[] PROGMEM = "Manufacturer ID ";
const u8 msg_tsd_cid2[] PROGMEM = "OEM/Application ID ";
const u8 msg_tsd_cid3[] PROGMEM = "Product name ";
const u8 msg_tsd_cid4[] PROGMEM = "Product revision ";
const u8 msg_tsd_cid5[] PROGMEM = "Product serial # ";
const u8 msg_tsd_cid6[] PROGMEM = "Manufacturing date ";
const u8 msg_tsd_cid6b[] PROGMEM = ".20";
const u8 msg_tsd_cid6c[] PROGMEM = ".19";
const u8 msg_tsd_crc[] PROGMEM = "CRC=";
const u8 msg_tsd_readsector[] PROGMEM = "\r\n;Read sector ";
const u8 msg_tsd_skip[] PROGMEM = "\r\n;512 operations is skiped";
const u8 msg_trs_1[] PROGMEM =
"\x16\x14\x03" "┬"
"\x16\x0b\x04" "pc/win32"
"\x16\x17\x04" "TESTCOM"
"\x16\x09\x05" "├"
"\x16\x0b\x06" "Bit rate 115200 No parity"
"\x16\x0b\x07" "Data bits 8"
"\x16\x1d\x07" "Flow control"
"\x16\x0b\x08" "Stop bits 2"
"\x16\x1e\x08" "√ RTS/CTS"
"\x16\x1d\x09" "DSR - Ignored"
"\x16\x15\x0a" "Start BERT "
"\x16\x19\x0b" "┬"
"\x16\x19\x0c" "│COM port"
"\x16\x19\x0d" "│"
"\x16\x13\x0e" "RS-232│"
"\x16\x0c\x0f" "┬"
"\x16\x19\x0f" "┴"
"\x16\x05\x10" "ZX Evo"
"\x16\x10\x10" "Last sec"
"\x16\x26\x10" "sec"
"\x16\x03\x11" "├"
"\x16\x05\x12" "RxBuff"
"\x16\x2d\x12" "RTS"
"\x16\x05\x13" "TxBuff"
"\x16\x2d\x13" "CTS";
//const u8 msg__rus[] PROGMEM = "";
//const u8 msg__eng[] PROGMEM = "";
//PGM_U8_P mlmsg_[] PROGMEM = {msg__rus, msg__eng};
const u8 str_menu_main[] PROGMEM =
"Тест клавиатуры PS/2 "
"Тест клавиатуры ZX и др. "
"Тест мыши "
"Тест видео "
"Тест RS-232 "
"Диагностика SD/MMC "
"Программирование Flash-ROM"
"PS/2 keyboard test "
"ZX keyboard test and etc "
"Mouse test "
"Video test "
"RS-232 test "
"SD/MMC diagnostic "
"Write Flash-ROM ";
//"12345678901234567890123456" width fixed!