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Archive member included because of file (symbol)

                              rtc.o (__udivmodqi4)
                              rs232.o (__udivmodsi4)
                              rs232.o (__divmodsi4)
                              c:/winavr/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/4.3.3/../../../../avr/lib/avr51/crtm128.o (exit)
                              zx.o (__do_clear_bss)
                              kbmap.o (memcpy_P)
                              kbmap.o (__eerd_block_m128)

Allocating common symbols
Common symbol       size              file

ps2keyboard_count   0x1               ps2.o
modes_register      0x1               main.o
dbpos               0x2               depacker_dirty.o
zx_fifo_out_ptr     0x1               zx.o
curFpga             0x4               main.o
zx_map              0x5               zx.o
ps2mouse_initstep   0x1               ps2.o
zx_mouse_button     0x1               zx.o
                    0x2               ps2.o
kbmap               0x2               kbmap.o
zx_fifo             0x100             zx.o
kbmap_E0            0x2               kbmap.o
zx_realkbd          0xb               zx.o
flags_register      0x1               main.o
ps2mouse_timeout    0x1               ps2.o
kb_status           0x1               zx.o
zx_counters         0x28              zx.o
bitcount            0x1               depacker_dirty.o
                    0x1               ps2.o
                    0x1               ps2.o
zx_fifo_in_ptr      0x1               zx.o
gluk_regs           0xe               rtc.o
bitstream           0x1               depacker_dirty.o
ps2mouse_count      0x1               ps2.o
zx_mouse_y          0x1               zx.o
dbuf                0x800             main.o
ps2mouse_shifter    0x2               ps2.o
                    0x1               ps2.o
ps2keyboard_cmd     0x1               ps2.o
shift_pause         0x1               zx.o
atx_counter         0x2               atx.o
zx_mouse_x          0x1               zx.o

Memory Configuration

Name             Origin             Length             Attributes
text             0x00000000         0x00020000         xr
data             0x00800060         0x0000ffa0         rw !x
eeprom           0x00810000         0x00010000         rw !x
fuse             0x00820000         0x00000400         rw !x
lock             0x00830000         0x00000400         rw !x
signature        0x00840000         0x00000400         rw !x
*default*        0x00000000         0xffffffff

Linker script and memory map

Address of section .data set to 0x800100
LOAD c:/winavr/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/4.3.3/../../../../avr/lib/avr51/crtm128.o
LOAD zx.o
LOAD interrupts.o
LOAD main.o
LOAD ps2.o
LOAD spi.o
LOAD depacker_dirty.o
LOAD rs232.o
LOAD rtc.o
LOAD atx.o
LOAD joystick.o
LOAD version.o
LOAD tape.o
LOAD kbmap.o
LOAD top.o
LOAD c:/winavr/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/4.3.3/avr51\libgcc.a
LOAD c:/winavr/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/4.3.3/../../../../avr/lib/avr51\libc.a
LOAD c:/winavr/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/4.3.3/avr51\libgcc.a























.text           0x00000000     0x8588
 .vectors       0x00000000       0x8c c:/winavr/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/4.3.3/../../../../avr/lib/avr51/crtm128.o
                0x00000000                __vectors
                0x00000000                __vector_default
 *(.progmem*)  0x0000008c      0x140 kbmap.o
                0x0000018c                default_kbmap_E0
                0x0000008c                default_kbmap  0x000001cc     0x673b top.o
                0x00006907                fpga_end
                0x000001cc                fpga
                0x00006908                . = ALIGN (0x2)
 *fill*         0x00006907        0x1 00
                0x00006908                __trampolines_start = .
 .trampolines   0x00006908        0x0 linker stubs
                0x00006908                __trampolines_end = .
                0x00006908                __ctors_start = .
                0x00006908                __ctors_end = .
                0x00006908                __dtors_start = .
                0x00006908                __dtors_end = .
 .init0         0x00006908        0x0 c:/winavr/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/4.3.3/../../../../avr/lib/avr51/crtm128.o
                0x00006908                __init
 .init2         0x00006908        0xc c:/winavr/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/4.3.3/../../../../avr/lib/avr51/crtm128.o
 .init4         0x00006914       0x1a c:/winavr/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/4.3.3/../../../../avr/lib/avr51/crtm128.o
                0x00006914                __do_copy_data
 .init4         0x0000692e       0x10 c:/winavr/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/4.3.3/avr51\libgcc.a(_clear_bss.o)
                0x0000692e                __do_clear_bss
 .init9         0x0000693e        0x8 c:/winavr/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/4.3.3/../../../../avr/lib/avr51/crtm128.o
 .text          0x00006946        0x4 c:/winavr/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/4.3.3/../../../../avr/lib/avr51/crtm128.o
                0x00006946                __vector_22
                0x00006946                __vector_28
                0x00006946                __vector_1
                0x00006946                __vector_32
                0x00006946                __vector_34
                0x00006946                __vector_24
                0x00006946                __vector_12
                0x00006946                __bad_interrupt
                0x00006946                __vector_31
                0x00006946                __vector_3
                0x00006946                __vector_23
                0x00006946                __vector_30
                0x00006946                __vector_25
                0x00006946                __vector_11
                0x00006946                __vector_13
                0x00006946                __vector_17
                0x00006946                __vector_19
                0x00006946                __vector_27
                0x00006946                __vector_33
                0x00006946                __vector_4
                0x00006946                __vector_9
                0x00006946                __vector_2
                0x00006946                __vector_21
                0x00006946                __vector_15
                0x00006946                __vector_29
                0x00006946                __vector_26
                0x00006946                __vector_14
                0x00006946                __vector_16
                0x00006946                __vector_18
                0x00006946                __vector_20
 .text          0x0000694a      0x682 zx.o
                0x0000694a                zx_clr_kb
                0x00006acc                zx_fifo_get
                0x00006b1e                zx_spi_send
                0x00006dfa                zx_task
                0x00006a84                zx_fifo_put
                0x00006dc2                zx_mouse_task
                0x00006af2                zx_mouse_reset
                0x00006b68                zx_vga_switcher
                0x00006b52                zx_set_config
                0x00006d2a                zx_wait_task
                0x00006986                update_keys
                0x00006ae2                zx_fifo_copy
                0x00006fb2                zx_init
                0x00006b94                to_zx
                0x00006ab8                zx_fifo_isempty
                0x00006a9a                zx_fifo_isfull
 .text          0x00006fcc      0x3a6 interrupts.o
                0x00007230                __vector_6
                0x000072f8                __vector_7
                0x00007168                __vector_5
                0x0000731e                __vector_8
                0x00006fcc                __vector_10
 .text          0x00007372      0x14e main.o
                0x000073a6                put_buffer
                0x000073cc                main
                0x00007372                hardware_init
 .text          0x000074c0      0x4d2 ps2.o
                0x000077a6                ps2keyboard_parse
                0x00007854                ps2keyboard_task
                0x00007500                ps2_encode
                0x0000757e                ps2keyboard_send_cmd
                0x000074c0                ps2_decode
                0x000075ca                ps2mouse_send
                0x00007562                ps2keyboard_send
                0x000075e6                ps2mouse_task
 .text          0x00007992       0x14 spi.o
                0x0000799c                spi_send
                0x00007992                spi_init
 .text          0x000079a6      0x2e8 depacker_dirty.o
                0x00007b0a                depacker_dirty
                0x00007ad2                repeat
                0x000079a6                get_bits_dirty
                0x00007aa6                put_byte
                0x00007a10                get_bigdisp_dirty
 .text          0x00007c8e      0x1a6 rs232.o
                0x00007d30                rs232_zx_write
                0x00007dc2                rs232_zx_read
                0x00007c8e                rs232_init
                0x00007cf0                rs232_set_baud
                0x00007ce0                rs232_transmit
 .text          0x00007e34      0x47a rtc.o
                0x00008272                rtc_init
                0x00007e4e                rtc_write
                0x0000813c                gluk_set_reg
                0x00008064                gluk_inc
                0x00007f6c                gluk_init
                0x00007ebe                rtc_read
                0x00008226                gluk_get_reg
 .text          0x000082ae       0xd4 atx.o
                0x000082f6                atx_power_task
                0x000082ae                wait_for_atx_power
 .text          0x00008382       0x1e joystick.o
                0x00008382                joystick_task
 .text          0x000083a0       0x5c version.o
                0x000083a0                GetVersionByte
                0x000083da                SetVersionType
 .text          0x000083fc       0x48 tape.o
                0x000083fc                tape_task
 .text          0x00008444       0x7c kbmap.o
                0x00008444                kbmap_init
 .text          0x000084c0        0x0 c:/winavr/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/4.3.3/avr51\libgcc.a(_udivmodqi4.o)
 .text          0x000084c0        0x0 c:/winavr/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/4.3.3/avr51\libgcc.a(_udivmodsi4.o)
 .text          0x000084c0        0x0 c:/winavr/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/4.3.3/avr51\libgcc.a(_divmodsi4.o)
 .text          0x000084c0        0x0 c:/winavr/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/4.3.3/avr51\libgcc.a(_exit.o)
 .text          0x000084c0        0x0 c:/winavr/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/4.3.3/avr51\libgcc.a(_clear_bss.o)
 .text          0x000084c0        0x0 c:/winavr/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/4.3.3/../../../../avr/lib/avr51\libc.a(memcpy_P.o)
 .text          0x000084c0        0x0 c:/winavr/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/4.3.3/../../../../avr/lib/avr51\libc.a(eerd_block_atmega128.o)
                0x000084c0                . = ALIGN (0x2)
 .text.libgcc   0x000084c0       0x18 c:/winavr/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/4.3.3/avr51\libgcc.a(_udivmodqi4.o)
                0x000084c0                __udivmodqi4
 .text.libgcc   0x000084d8       0x44 c:/winavr/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/4.3.3/avr51\libgcc.a(_udivmodsi4.o)
                0x000084d8                __udivmodsi4
 .text.libgcc   0x0000851c       0x36 c:/winavr/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/4.3.3/avr51\libgcc.a(_divmodsi4.o)
                0x0000851c                __divmodsi4
 .text.libgcc   0x00008552        0x0 c:/winavr/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/4.3.3/avr51\libgcc.a(_exit.o)
 .text.libgcc   0x00008552        0x0 c:/winavr/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/4.3.3/avr51\libgcc.a(_clear_bss.o)
                0x00008552       0x12 c:/winavr/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/4.3.3/../../../../avr/lib/avr51\libc.a(memcpy_P.o)
                0x00008552                memcpy_P
                0x00008564       0x20 c:/winavr/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/4.3.3/../../../../avr/lib/avr51\libc.a(eerd_block_atmega128.o)
                0x00008568                __eerd_blraw_m128
                0x00008564                __eerd_block_m128
                0x00008584                . = ALIGN (0x2)
 .fini9         0x00008584        0x0 c:/winavr/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/4.3.3/avr51\libgcc.a(_exit.o)
                0x00008584                exit
                0x00008584                _exit
 .fini0         0x00008584        0x4 c:/winavr/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/4.3.3/avr51\libgcc.a(_exit.o)
                0x00008588                _etext = .

.data           0x00800100       0x2c load address 0x00008588
                0x00800100                PROVIDE (__data_start, .)
 .data          0x00800100        0x0 c:/winavr/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/4.3.3/../../../../avr/lib/avr51/crtm128.o
 .data          0x00800100        0x0 zx.o
 .data          0x00800100        0x2 interrupts.o
 .data          0x00800102        0x0 main.o
 .data          0x00800102       0x15 ps2.o
                0x00800102                ps2mouse_init_sequence
 .data          0x00800117        0x0 spi.o
 .data          0x00800117        0x0 depacker_dirty.o
 .data          0x00800117        0x0 rs232.o
 .data          0x00800117        0xc rtc.o
 .data          0x00800123        0x0 atx.o
 .data          0x00800123        0x0 joystick.o
 .data          0x00800123        0x8 version.o
                0x00800127                bootVersionAddr
                0x00800123                baseVersionAddr
 .data          0x0080012b        0x0 tape.o
 .data          0x0080012b        0x0 kbmap.o
 .data          0x0080012b        0x0 c:/winavr/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/4.3.3/avr51\libgcc.a(_udivmodqi4.o)
 .data          0x0080012b        0x0 c:/winavr/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/4.3.3/avr51\libgcc.a(_udivmodsi4.o)
 .data          0x0080012b        0x0 c:/winavr/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/4.3.3/avr51\libgcc.a(_divmodsi4.o)
 .data          0x0080012b        0x0 c:/winavr/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/4.3.3/avr51\libgcc.a(_exit.o)
 .data          0x0080012b        0x0 c:/winavr/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/4.3.3/avr51\libgcc.a(_clear_bss.o)
 .data          0x0080012b        0x0 c:/winavr/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/4.3.3/../../../../avr/lib/avr51\libc.a(memcpy_P.o)
 .data          0x0080012b        0x0 c:/winavr/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/4.3.3/../../../../avr/lib/avr51\libc.a(eerd_block_atmega128.o)
                0x0080012c                . = ALIGN (0x2)
 *fill*         0x0080012b        0x1 00
                0x0080012c                _edata = .
                0x0080012c                PROVIDE (__data_end, .)

.bss            0x0080012c      0x994
                0x0080012c                PROVIDE (__bss_start, .)
 .bss           0x0080012c        0x0 c:/winavr/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/4.3.3/../../../../avr/lib/avr51/crtm128.o
 .bss           0x0080012c        0x3 zx.o
 .bss           0x0080012f        0x3 interrupts.o
 .bss           0x00800132        0x0 main.o
 .bss           0x00800132        0x4 ps2.o
 .bss           0x00800136        0x0 spi.o
 .bss           0x00800136        0x0 depacker_dirty.o
 .bss           0x00800136       0x1e rs232.o
 .bss           0x00800154        0x0 rtc.o
 .bss           0x00800154        0x2 atx.o
 .bss           0x00800156        0x1 joystick.o
 .bss           0x00800157        0x0 version.o
 .bss           0x00800157        0x0 tape.o
 .bss           0x00800157        0x0 kbmap.o
 .bss           0x00800157        0x0 c:/winavr/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/4.3.3/avr51\libgcc.a(_udivmodqi4.o)
 .bss           0x00800157        0x0 c:/winavr/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/4.3.3/avr51\libgcc.a(_udivmodsi4.o)
 .bss           0x00800157        0x0 c:/winavr/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/4.3.3/avr51\libgcc.a(_divmodsi4.o)
 .bss           0x00800157        0x0 c:/winavr/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/4.3.3/avr51\libgcc.a(_exit.o)
 .bss           0x00800157        0x0 c:/winavr/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/4.3.3/avr51\libgcc.a(_clear_bss.o)
 .bss           0x00800157        0x0 c:/winavr/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/4.3.3/../../../../avr/lib/avr51\libc.a(memcpy_P.o)
 .bss           0x00800157        0x0 c:/winavr/bin/../lib/gcc/avr/4.3.3/../../../../avr/lib/avr51\libc.a(eerd_block_atmega128.o)
 COMMON         0x00800157      0x13f zx.o
                0x00800157                zx_fifo_out_ptr
                0x00800158                zx_map
                0x0080015d                zx_mouse_button
                0x0080015e                zx_fifo
                0x0080025e                zx_realkbd
                0x00800269                kb_status
                0x0080026a                zx_counters
                0x00800292                zx_fifo_in_ptr
                0x00800293                zx_mouse_y
                0x00800294                shift_pause
                0x00800295                zx_mouse_x
 COMMON         0x00800296      0x806 main.o
                0x00800296                modes_register
                0x00800297                curFpga
                0x0080029b                flags_register
                0x0080029c                dbuf
 COMMON         0x00800a9c        0xc ps2.o
                0x00800a9c                ps2keyboard_count
                0x00800a9d                ps2mouse_initstep
                0x00800a9e                ps2keyboard_shifter
                0x00800aa0                ps2mouse_timeout
                0x00800aa1                ps2keyboard_cmd_count
                0x00800aa2                ps2mouse_resp_count
                0x00800aa3                ps2mouse_count
                0x00800aa4                ps2mouse_shifter
                0x00800aa6                ps2keyboard_timeout
                0x00800aa7                ps2keyboard_cmd
 COMMON         0x00800aa8        0x4 depacker_dirty.o
                0x00800aa8                dbpos
                0x00800aaa                bitcount
                0x00800aab                bitstream
 COMMON         0x00800aac        0xe rtc.o
                0x00800aac                gluk_regs
 COMMON         0x00800aba        0x2 atx.o
                0x00800aba                atx_counter
 COMMON         0x00800abc        0x4 kbmap.o
                0x00800abc                kbmap
                0x00800abe                kbmap_E0
                0x00800ac0                PROVIDE (__bss_end, .)
                0x00008588                __data_load_start = LOADADDR (.data)
                0x000085b4                __data_load_end = (__data_load_start + SIZEOF (.data))

.noinit         0x00800ac0        0x0
                0x00800ac0                PROVIDE (__noinit_start, .)
                0x00800ac0                PROVIDE (__noinit_end, .)
                0x00800ac0                _end = .
                0x00800ac0                PROVIDE (__heap_start, .)

.eeprom         0x00810000      0x142
 .eeprom        0x00810000      0x142 kbmap.o
                0x00810000                saved_kbmap
                0x00810142                __eeprom_end = .















.debug_aranges  0x00000000      0x1a0
                0x00000000       0x20 zx.o
                0x00000020       0x20 interrupts.o
                0x00000040       0x20 main.o
                0x00000060       0x20 ps2.o
                0x00000080       0x20 spi.o
                0x000000a0       0x20 depacker_dirty.o
                0x000000c0       0x20 rs232.o
                0x000000e0       0x20 rtc.o
                0x00000100       0x20 atx.o
                0x00000120       0x20 joystick.o
                0x00000140       0x20 version.o
                0x00000160       0x20 tape.o
                0x00000180       0x20 kbmap.o

                0x00000000      0x746
                0x00000000      0x1c3 zx.o
                0x000001c3       0x5e interrupts.o
                0x00000221       0x77 main.o
                0x00000298      0x1a7 ps2.o
                0x0000043f       0x2c spi.o
                0x0000046b       0x8b depacker_dirty.o
                0x000004f6       0x6c rs232.o
                0x00000562       0x85 rtc.o
                0x000005e7       0x4c atx.o
                0x00000633       0x24 joystick.o
                0x00000657       0x60 version.o
                0x000006b7       0x20 tape.o
                0x000006d7       0x6f kbmap.o

.debug_info     0x00000000     0x21b1
 .debug_info    0x00000000      0x699 zx.o
 .debug_info    0x00000699      0x227 interrupts.o
 .debug_info    0x000008c0      0x2fc main.o
 .debug_info    0x00000bbc      0x4ff ps2.o
 .debug_info    0x000010bb       0xb0 spi.o
 .debug_info    0x0000116b      0x344 depacker_dirty.o
 .debug_info    0x000014af      0x2cc rs232.o
 .debug_info    0x0000177b      0x471 rtc.o
 .debug_info    0x00001bec      0x1c9 atx.o
 .debug_info    0x00001db5       0xa9 joystick.o
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 .debug_info    0x00001fc2       0xae tape.o
 .debug_info    0x00002070      0x141 kbmap.o

.debug_abbrev   0x00000000      0xebb
 .debug_abbrev  0x00000000      0x243 zx.o
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 .debug_abbrev  0x00000311      0x183 main.o
 .debug_abbrev  0x00000494      0x1dc ps2.o
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 .debug_abbrev  0x000006e2      0x113 depacker_dirty.o
 .debug_abbrev  0x000007f5      0x144 rs232.o
 .debug_abbrev  0x00000939      0x217 rtc.o
 .debug_abbrev  0x00000b50      0x106 atx.o
 .debug_abbrev  0x00000c56       0x6a joystick.o
 .debug_abbrev  0x00000cc0       0xdf version.o
 .debug_abbrev  0x00000d9f       0x75 tape.o
 .debug_abbrev  0x00000e14       0xa7 kbmap.o

.debug_line     0x00000000     0x22e1
 .debug_line    0x00000000      0x64d zx.o
 .debug_line    0x0000064d      0x3f2 interrupts.o
 .debug_line    0x00000a3f      0x345 main.o
 .debug_line    0x00000d84      0x5dc ps2.o
 .debug_line    0x00001360       0xcf spi.o
 .debug_line    0x0000142f      0x20d depacker_dirty.o
 .debug_line    0x0000163c      0x253 rs232.o
 .debug_line    0x0000188f      0x54a rtc.o
 .debug_line    0x00001dd9      0x1c2 atx.o
 .debug_line    0x00001f9b       0xb4 joystick.o
 .debug_line    0x0000204f       0xe5 version.o
 .debug_line    0x00002134       0xd2 tape.o
 .debug_line    0x00002206       0xdb kbmap.o

.debug_frame    0x00000000      0x4a0
 .debug_frame   0x00000000      0x110 zx.o
 .debug_frame   0x00000110       0x60 interrupts.o
 .debug_frame   0x00000170       0x40 main.o
 .debug_frame   0x000001b0       0xb0 ps2.o
 .debug_frame   0x00000260       0x30 spi.o
 .debug_frame   0x00000290       0x60 depacker_dirty.o
 .debug_frame   0x000002f0       0x60 rs232.o
 .debug_frame   0x00000350       0x90 rtc.o
 .debug_frame   0x000003e0       0x30 atx.o
 .debug_frame   0x00000410       0x20 joystick.o
 .debug_frame   0x00000430       0x30 version.o
 .debug_frame   0x00000460       0x20 tape.o
 .debug_frame   0x00000480       0x20 kbmap.o

.debug_str      0x00000000      0x8d2
 .debug_str     0x00000000      0x2af zx.o
                                0x31d (size before relaxing)
 .debug_str     0x000002af       0xdc interrupts.o
                                0x1f4 (size before relaxing)
 .debug_str     0x0000038b       0xf0 main.o
                                0x22e (size before relaxing)
 .debug_str     0x0000047b       0xf8 ps2.o
                                0x358 (size before relaxing)
 .debug_str     0x00000573       0x12 spi.o
                                 0xf4 (size before relaxing)
 .debug_str     0x00000585       0x87 depacker_dirty.o
                                0x1a2 (size before relaxing)
 .debug_str     0x0000060c      0x10a rs232.o
                                0x201 (size before relaxing)
 .debug_str     0x00000716       0xbb rtc.o
                                0x1ae (size before relaxing)
 .debug_str     0x000007d1       0x36 atx.o
                                0x16e (size before relaxing)
 .debug_str     0x00000807       0x2b joystick.o
                                 0xff (size before relaxing)
 .debug_str     0x00000832       0x4b version.o
                                0x15a (size before relaxing)
 .debug_str     0x0000087d       0x14 tape.o
                                 0xfc (size before relaxing)
 .debug_str     0x00000891       0x41 kbmap.o
                                0x129 (size before relaxing)

.debug_loc      0x00000000      0xded
 .debug_loc     0x00000000      0x4af zx.o
 .debug_loc     0x000004af       0x1e interrupts.o
 .debug_loc     0x000004cd       0x71 main.o
 .debug_loc     0x0000053e      0x15b ps2.o
 .debug_loc     0x00000699       0x13 spi.o
 .debug_loc     0x000006ac      0x234 depacker_dirty.o
 .debug_loc     0x000008e0      0x11d rs232.o
 .debug_loc     0x000009fd      0x259 rtc.o
 .debug_loc     0x00000c56       0x64 atx.o
 .debug_loc     0x00000cba       0x1e joystick.o
 .debug_loc     0x00000cd8       0xac version.o
 .debug_loc     0x00000d84       0x69 tape.o

OUTPUT(core.elf elf32-avr)
LOAD linker stubs

.debug_ranges   0x00000000       0x48
 .debug_ranges  0x00000000       0x48 main.o