;LAST UPDATE: 24.03.2015 savelij
__TERM0 EQU 0X00 ; Program terminate
__CONIN EQU 0X01 ; Console input
__CONOUT EQU 0X02 ; Console output
__AUXIN EQU 0X03 ; Auxiliary input
__AUXOUT EQU 0X04 ; Auxiliary output
__LSTOUT EQU 0X05 ; Printer output
__DIRIO EQU 0X06 ; Direct console I/O
__DIRIN EQU 0X07 ; Direct console input
__INNOE EQU 0X08 ; Console input without echo
__STROUT EQU 0X09 ; String output
__BUFIN EQU 0X0A ; Buffered line input
__CONST EQU 0X0B ; Console status
__CPMVER EQU 0X0C ; Return version number
__DSKRST EQU 0X0D ; Disk reset
__SELDSK EQU 0X0E ; Select disk
__FOPEN EQU 0X0F ; Open file (FCB)
__FCLOSE EQU 0X10 ; Close file (FCB)
__SFIRST EQU 0X11 ; Search for first entry (FCB)
__SNEXT EQU 0X12 ; Search for next entry (FCB)
__FDEL EQU 0X13 ; Delete file (FCB)
__RDSEQ EQU 0X14 ; Sequential read (FCB)
__WRSEQ EQU 0X15 ; Sequential write (FCB)
__FMAKE EQU 0X16 ; Create file (FCB)
__FREN EQU 0X17 ; Rename file (FCB)
__LOGIN EQU 0X18 ; Get login vector
__CURDRV EQU 0X19 ; Get current drive
__SETDTA EQU 0X1A ; Set disk transfer address
__ALLOC EQU 0X1B ; Get allocation information
__RDRND EQU 0X21 ; Random read (FCB)
__WRRND EQU 0X22 ; Random write(FCB)
__FSIZE EQU 0X23 ; Get file size (FCB)
__SETRND EQU 0X24 ; Set random record (FCB)
__WRBLK EQU 0X26 ; Random block write (FCB)
__RDBLK EQU 0X27 ; Random block read (FCB)
__WRZER EQU 0X28 ; Random write with zero fill (FCB)
__GDATE EQU 0X2A ; Get date
__SDATE EQU 0X2B ; Set date
__GTIME EQU 0X2C ; Get time
__STIME EQU 0X2D ; Set time
__VERIFY EQU 0X2E ; Set/reset verify flag
__RDABS EQU 0X2F ; Absolute sector read
__WRABS EQU 0X30 ; Absolute sector write
__DPARM EQU 0X31 ; Get disk parameters
__FFIRST EQU 0X40 ; Find first entry
__FNEXT EQU 0X41 ; Find next entry
__FNEW EQU 0X42 ; Find new entry
__OPEN EQU 0X43 ; Open file handle
__CREATE EQU 0X44 ; Create file handle
__CLOSE EQU 0X45 ; Close file handle
__ENSURE EQU 0X46 ; Ensure file handle
__DUP EQU 0X47 ; Duplicate file handle
__READ EQU 0X48 ; Read from file handle
__WRITE EQU 0X49 ; Write to file handle
__SEEK EQU 0X4A ; Move file handle pointer
__IOCTL EQU 0X4B ; I/O control for devices
__HTEST EQU 0X4C ; Test file handle
__DELETE EQU 0X4D ; Delete file or subdirectory
__RENAME EQU 0X4E ; Rename file or subdirectory
__MOVE EQU 0X4F ; Move file or subdirectory
__ATTR EQU 0X50 ; Get/set file attributes
__FTIME EQU 0X51 ; Get/set file date and time
__HDELETE EQU 0X52 ; Delete file handle
__HRENAME EQU 0X53 ; Rename file handle
__HMOVE EQU 0X54 ; Move file handle
__HATTR EQU 0X55 ; Get/set file handle attributes
__HFTIME EQU 0X56 ; Get/set file handle date and time
__GETDTA EQU 0X57 ; Get disk transfer address
__GETVFY EQU 0X58 ; Get verify flag setting
__GETCD EQU 0X59 ; Get current directory
__CHDIR EQU 0X5A ; Change current directory
__PARSE EQU 0X5B ; Parse pathname
__PFILE EQU 0X5C ; Parse filename
__CHKCHR EQU 0X5D ; Check character
__WPATH EQU 0X5E ; Get whole path string
__FLUSH EQU 0X5F ; Flush disk buffers
__FORK EQU 0X60 ; Fork a child process
__JOIN EQU 0X61 ; Rejoin parent process
__TERM EQU 0X62 ; Terminate with error code
__DEFAB EQU 0X63 ; Define abort exit routine
__DEFER EQU 0X64 ; Define disk error handler routine
__ERROR EQU 0X65 ; Get previous error code
__EXPLAIN EQU 0X66 ; Explain error code
__FORMAT EQU 0X67 ; Format a disk
__RAMD EQU 0X68 ; Create or destroy RAM disk
__BUFFER EQU 0X69 ; Allocate sector buffers
__ASSIGN EQU 0X6A ; Logical drive assignment
__GENV EQU 0X6B ; Get environment item
__SENV EQU 0X6C ; Set environment item
__FENV EQU 0X6D ; Find environment item
__DSKCHK EQU 0X6E ; Get/set disk check status
__DOSVER EQU 0X6F ; Get MSX-DOS version number
__REDIR EQU 0X70 ; Get/set redirection status