// part of NeoGS project (c) 2007-2008 NedoPC
// sound_mulacc is a serial multiplier-accumulator for volume and sound data value.
// Input data is: volume (6bit unsigned) and sound data (8bit signed with sign bit inverted,
// thus compatible with unsigned data centered at $7f-$80), and clr_sum bit.
// Input data is read and multiply-add starts after 1-clock positive pulse on load pin,
// when ready becomes 1, operation is finished, output is defined and another load pulse could be accepted.
// If clr_sum is read to be 1, sum is also cleared (and the output will be just result of multiply), otherwise
// output will be the sum of previous result with current multiplication result.
// clock number XX | 00 | 01 | 02 | || | 14 | 15 | 16 |
// clock __/``\__/``\__/``\__/``\__/``||_/``\__/``\__/``\__/``\__/``\__/``\__/``\__/``
// load _________/`````\___________________||______________________________________________
// inputs are read here --> * ||
// ready ```````````````\___________________||______________/```````````````````````````````
// data out old data |XXXXXXXXXXXXX||XXXXXXXXXXXXXX| new data ready
module sound_mulacc(
clock, // input clock (24 MHz)
vol_in, // input volume (6 bit unsigned)
dat_in, // input sound data (8 bit signed with sign bit inverted)
load, // load pulse input
clr_sum, // clear sum input
ready, // ready output
sum_out // 16-bit sum output
input clock;
input [5:0] vol_in;
input [7:0] dat_in;
input load;
input clr_sum;
output reg ready;
output reg [15:0] sum_out;
wire [5:0] add_data;
wire [6:0] sum_unreg;
reg [6:0] sum_reg;
reg [7:0] shifter;
reg [5:0] adder;
wire mul_out;
reg [3:0] counter;
reg clr_sum_reg;
wire [1:0] temp_sum;
wire carry_in;
wire old_data_in;
reg old_carry;
// control section
always @(posedge clock)
if( load )
ready <= 1'b0;
if( counter[3:0] == 4'd15 )
ready <= 1'b1;
if( load )
counter <= 4'd0;
counter <= counter + 4'd1;
// serial multiplier section
assign add_data = ( shifter[0] ) ? adder : 6'd0; // data to be added controlled by LSB of shifter
assign sum_unreg[6:0] = sum_reg[6:1] + add_data[5:0]; // sum of two values
assign mul_out = sum_unreg[0];
always @(posedge clock)
if( !load ) // normal addition
sum_reg[6:0] <= sum_unreg[6:0];
shifter[6:0] <= shifter[7:1];
else // load==1
sum_reg[6:0] <= 7'd0;
shifter[7] <= ~dat_in[7]; // convert to signed data (we need signed result)
shifter[6:0] <= dat_in[6:0];
adder <= vol_in;
// serial adder section
always @(posedge clock)
if( load )
clr_sum_reg <= clr_sum;
assign carry_in = (counter==4'd0) ? 1'b0 : old_carry;
assign old_data_in = (clr_sum_reg) ? 1'b0 : sum_out[0];
assign temp_sum[1:0] = carry_in + mul_out + old_data_in;
always @(posedge clock)
if( !ready )
sum_out[15:0] <= { temp_sum[0], sum_out[15:1] };
old_carry <= temp_sum[1];