// part of NeoGS project (c) 2007-2008 NedoPC
// memmap is memory mapper for NGS. Physical memory divided in 16kb pages.
// At (a15=0,a14=0) there is always zero page of MEM, at (a15=0,a14=1) there is
// always third page of RAM, at (a15=1,a14=0) there is page of MEM determined by
// mode_pg0 input bus, at (a15=1,a14=1) - page of MEM determined by mode_pg1 input.
// When mode_norom=0, MEM is ROM, otherwise MEM is RAM.
// When mode_ramro=1, zero and first pages of RAM are read-only.
// Memory addressed by mema14..mema18 (total 512kb) and then by either
// romcs_n (only 512kb of ROM) or ram0cs_n..ram3cs_n (2Mb of RAM).
// Memory decoding is static - it depends on only a14,a15 and mode_pg0,1 inputs.
// memoe_n and memwe_n generated from only mreq_n, rd_n and wr_n with the
// exception of read-only page of RAM (no memwe_n). ROM is always read/write (flash).
module memmap(
a15,a14, // Z80 address signals
mreq_n, // Z80 bus control signals
rd_n, //
wr_n, //
mema14,mema15, // memory addresses
mema16,mema17, //
mema18,mema21, //
ram0cs_n, // four RAM /CS'es
ram1cs_n, //
ram2cs_n, //
ram3cs_n, // (total 512kb * 4 = 2Mb)
romcs_n, // ROM (flash) /CS
memoe_n, // memory /OE and /WE
memwe_n, //
mode_ramro, // 1 - zero page (32k) of ram is R/O
mode_norom, // 0 - ROM instead of RAM at everything except $4000-$7FFF
mode_pg0, // page at $0000-$3FFF
mode_pg1, // page at $4000-$7FFF
mode_pg2, // page at $8000-$BFFF
mode_pg3 // page at $C000-$FFFF
// inputs and outputs
input a15,a14;
input mreq_n,rd_n,wr_n;
output reg mema14, mema15, mema16, mema17, mema18, mema21;
output reg ram0cs_n,ram1cs_n,ram2cs_n,ram3cs_n;
output reg romcs_n;
output reg memoe_n,memwe_n;
input mode_ramro,mode_norom;
input [7:0] mode_pg0,mode_pg1,mode_pg2,mode_pg3;
// internal vars and regs
reg [7:0] high_addr;
// addresses mapping
always @*
case( {a15,a14} )
2'b00: // $0000-$3FFF
high_addr <= mode_pg0;
2'b01: // $4000-$7FFF
high_addr <= mode_pg1;
2'b10: // $8000-$BFFF
high_addr <= mode_pg2;
2'b11: // $C000-$FFFF
high_addr <= mode_pg3;
// memory addresses
always @*
{ mema21, mema18, mema17, mema16, mema15, mema14 } <= { high_addr[7], high_addr[4:0] };
// memory chip selects
always @*
if( (mode_norom==1'b0) && ( {a15,a14}!=2'b01 ) ) // ROM selected
romcs_n <= 1'b0;
ram0cs_n <= 1'b1;
ram1cs_n <= 1'b1;
ram2cs_n <= 1'b1;
ram3cs_n <= 1'b1;
else // RAM
romcs_n <= 1'b1;
ram0cs_n <= ( high_addr[6:5]==2'b00 ) ? 1'b0 : 1'b1;
ram1cs_n <= ( high_addr[6:5]==2'b01 ) ? 1'b0 : 1'b1;
ram2cs_n <= ( high_addr[6:5]==2'b10 ) ? 1'b0 : 1'b1;
ram3cs_n <= ( high_addr[6:5]==2'b11 ) ? 1'b0 : 1'b1;
// memory /OE and /WE
always @*
memoe_n <= mreq_n | rd_n;
if( (high_addr[6:1] == 6'd0) && (mode_ramro==1'b1) && (mode_norom==1'b1) ) // R/O
memwe_n <= 1'b1;
else // no R/O
memwe_n <= mreq_n | wr_n;