// part of NeoGS project
// (c) NedoPC 2007-2013
// SD-card dma controller
supports yet:
1. only read of SD card (512 bytes at once)
2. only full bursing writeback of read data to memory
SD read algo:
send FFs always. Check replies.
After first non-FF reply receive 512 bytes into FPGA mem then into RAM
module dma_sd
input wire clk,
input wire rst_n,
// control to spi module of SD-card
output wire sd_start,
input wire sd_rdy,
input wire [7:0] sd_recvdata,
// signals for ports.v
input wire [7:0] din, // input and output from ports.v
output reg [7:0] dout,
input wire module_select, // =1 - module selected for read-write operations from ports.v
input wire write_strobe, // one-cycle positive write strobe - writes to the selected registers from din
input wire [1:0] regsel, // 2'b00 - high address, 2'b01 - middle address, 2'b10 - low address, 2'b11 - control register
// signals for DMA controller/DMA sequencer
output reg [21:0] dma_addr,
output wire [7:0] dma_wd, // data written to DMA
output wire dma_rnw,
output wire dma_req,
input wire dma_ack,
input wire dma_end,
output wire int_req
reg dma_on;
wire dma_finish;
reg [3:0] state, next_state;
wire wdone,rdone;
reg int_dma_req;
assign int_req = dma_finish;
localparam _HAD = 2'b00; // high address
localparam _MAD = 2'b01; // mid address
localparam _LAD = 2'b10; // low address
localparam _CST = 2'b11; // control and status
// control dout bus
always @*
case( regsel[1:0] )
_HAD: dout = { 2'b00, dma_addr[21:16] };
_MAD: dout = dma_addr[15:8];
_LAD: dout = dma_addr[7:0];
_CST: dout = { dma_on, 7'bXXX_XXXX };
// dma_on control
always @(posedge clk, negedge rst_n)
if( !rst_n )
dma_on <= 1'b0;
else if( dma_finish )
dma_on <= 1'b0;
else if( module_select && write_strobe && (regsel==_CST) )
dma_on <= din[7];
// dma_addr control
always @(posedge clk)
if( dma_req && dma_ack && dma_on )
dma_addr <= dma_addr + 22'd1; // increment on successfull DMA transfer
else if( module_select && write_strobe )
if( regsel==_HAD )
dma_addr[21:16] <= din[5:0];
else if( regsel==_MAD )
dma_addr[15:8] <= din[7:0];
else if( regsel==_LAD )
dma_addr[7:0] <= din[7:0];
// controlling FSM
localparam _IDLE = 4'd0;
localparam _WRDY1 = 4'd1;
localparam _WRDY2 = 4'd2;
localparam _RECV1 = 4'd3;
localparam _RECV2 = 4'd4;
localparam _CRC1 = 4'd5;
localparam _CRC2 = 4'd6;
localparam _DMAWR = 4'd7;
localparam _STOP = 4'd8;
always @(posedge clk, negedge dma_on)
if( !dma_on )
state = _IDLE;
else // posedge clk
state <= next_state;
always @*
case( state )
_IDLE: next_state = _WRDY1;
next_state = _WRDY2;
if( !sd_rdy )
next_state = _WRDY2;
else if( sd_recvdata==8'hFF )
next_state = _WRDY1;
else if( sd_recvdata==8'hFE )
next_state = _RECV1;
next_state = _STOP;
if( !wdone )
next_state = _RECV2;
next_state = _CRC1;
if( !sd_rdy )
next_state = _RECV2;
next_state = _RECV1;
_CRC1:begin // 1st CRC byte is already started in last _RECV1 state
if( !sd_rdy )
next_state = _CRC1;
next_state = _CRC2;
_CRC2:begin // here just start 2nd CRC byte receive
next_state = _DMAWR;
if( int_dma_req )
next_state = _DMAWR;
next_state = _STOP;
next_state = _STOP; // rely on dma_on going to 0 and resetting everything
// sd_start
assign sd_start = ( state==_WRDY1 || state==_RECV1 || state==_CRC2 );
// dma_finish
assign dma_finish = ( state==_STOP );
// only dma writes
assign dma_rnw = 1'b0;
assign dma_req = int_dma_req;
always @(posedge clk, negedge dma_on)
if( !dma_on )
int_dma_req <= 1'b0;
else if( state==_CRC2 )
int_dma_req <= 1'b1;
else if( rdone && dma_ack )
int_dma_req <= 1'b0;
// fifo
dma_fifo_oneshot dma_fifo_oneshot
.clk (clk ),
.wr_stb( state==_RECV2 && sd_rdy ),
.rd_stb( (dma_req && dma_ack) || state==_CRC2 ),
.empty( ),
.w511 ( ),
.rd(dma_wd )