// part of NeoGS project
// (c) NedoPC 2007-2013
// this is dma "one-shot" fifo: after each 512 bytes both written and read back, it must be initialized by means of 'init'
module dma_fifo_oneshot(
input wire clk,
input wire rst_n,
input wire wr_stb, // write strobe: writes data from wd to the current wptr, increments wptr
input wire rd_stb, // read strobe: increments rptr
output wire wdone, // write done - all 512 bytes are written (end of write operation)
output wire w511, // write almost done -- at address 511
output wire rdone, // read done - all 512 bytes are read (end of read operation)
output wire empty, // fifo empty: when wptr==rptr (rd_stb must not be issued when empty is active, otherwise everytrhing desyncs)
input wire [7:0] wd, // data to be written
output wire [7:0] rd // data just read from rptr address
reg [9:0] wptr;
reg [9:0] rptr;
always @(posedge clk, negedge rst_n)
if( !rst_n )
wptr = 10'd0;
else if( wr_stb )
wptr <= wptr + 10'd1;
assign w511 = &wptr[8:0];
always @(posedge clk, negedge rst_n)
if( !rst_n )
rptr = 10'd0;
else if( rd_stb )
rptr <= rptr + 10'd1;
assign wdone = wptr[9];
assign rdone = rptr[9];
assign empty = ( wptr==rptr );
mem512b fifo512_oneshot_mem512b