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// ZX-Evo Base Configuration (c) NedoPC 2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014
// Z80 memory manager: routes ROM/RAM accesses, makes wait-states for 14MHz or stall condition, etc.

    This file is part of ZX-Evo Base Configuration firmware.

    ZX-Evo Base Configuration firmware is free software:
    you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
    the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    ZX-Evo Base Configuration firmware is distributed in the hope that
    it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
    See the GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with ZX-Evo Base Configuration firmware.
    If not, see <>.

// fclk    _/`\_/`\_/`\_/`\_/`\_/`\_/`\_/`\_/`\_/`\_/`\_/`\_/`\_/`\_/`\_/`\_/`\_/`\_/`\_/`\_/`\_/`\_/`\_/`\_/`\_/`\_/`\_/`\_/`\_/`\_/`\
//          |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |

// zclk     /```\___/```\___/```\___/```````\_______/```````\_______/```````````````\_______________/```````````````\_______________/`
//          |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
// zpos     `\___/```\___/```\___/```\___________/```\___________/```\___________________________/```\___________________________/```\
//          |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |

// zneg     _/```\___/```\___/```\_______/```\___________/```\___________________/```\___________________________/```\________________

`include "../include/tune.v"

module zmem(

        input  wire fclk,
        input  wire rst_n,

        input  wire zpos, //
        input  wire zneg, // strobes which show positive and negative edges of zclk

        input  wire cbeg,      // DRAM synchronization
        input  wire post_cbeg, //
        input  wire pre_cend,  //
        input  wire cend,      //

        input  wire [15:0] za,

        input  wire [ 7:0] zd_in, // won't emit anything to Z80 bus, data bus mux is another module
        output wire [ 7:0] zd_out, // output to Z80 bus

        output wire zd_ena, // out bus to the Z80

        input  wire m1_n,
        input  wire rfsh_n,
        input  wire mreq_n,
        input  wire iorq_n,
        input  wire rd_n,
        input  wire wr_n,

        input  wire [ 1:0] int_turbo, // 2'b00 - 3.5,
                                      // 2'b01 - 7.0,
                                      // 2'b1x - 14.0

        input  wire        win0_romnram, // four windows, each 16k,
        input  wire        win1_romnram, // ==1 - there is rom,
        input  wire        win2_romnram, // ==0 - there is ram
        input  wire        win3_romnram, //

        input  wire [ 7:0] win0_page, // which 16k page is in given window
        input  wire [ 7:0] win1_page, //
        input  wire [ 7:0] win2_page, //
        input  wire [ 7:0] win3_page, //

        input  wire        win0_wrdisable, // ==1 - no write is possible to window
        input  wire        win1_wrdisable,
        input  wire        win2_wrdisable,
        input  wire        win3_wrdisable,

        input  wire        romrw_en,

        input  wire        nmi_buf_clr,

        output reg  [ 4:0] rompg, // output for ROM paging
        output wire        romoe_n,
        output wire        romwe_n,
        output wire        csrom,

        output wire        cpu_req,
        output wire        cpu_rnw,
        output wire [20:0] cpu_addr,
        output wire [ 7:0] cpu_wrdata,
        output wire        cpu_wrbsel,

        input  wire [15:0] cpu_rddata,

        input  wire        cpu_next,
        input  wire        cpu_strobe,

        output wire        cpu_stall // for zclock


        wire [1:0] win;
        reg [7:0] page;
        reg romnram;
        reg wrdisable;

        reg [15:0] rd_buf;

        reg [15:1] cached_addr;
        reg        cached_addr_valid;

        wire cache_hit;

        wire dram_beg;
        wire opfetch, memrd, memwr;
        wire stall14, stall7_35;

        wire stall14_ini;
        wire stall14_cyc;
        reg  stall14_cycrd;
        reg  stall14_fin;

        reg r_mreq_n;

        reg pending_cpu_req;

        reg cpu_rnw_r;

        // this is for 7/3.5mhz  
        wire ramreq;
        wire ramwr,ramrd;
        wire cpureq_357;
        reg ramrd_reg,ramwr_reg;

        // make paging
        assign win[1:0] = za[15:14];

        always @*
        case( win )
                2'b00: begin
                        page      = win0_page;
                        romnram   = win0_romnram;
                        wrdisable = win0_wrdisable;

                2'b01: begin
                        page      = win1_page;
                        romnram   = win1_romnram;
                        wrdisable = win1_wrdisable;

                2'b10: begin
                        page      = win2_page;
                        romnram   = win2_romnram;
                        wrdisable = win2_wrdisable;

                2'b11: begin
                        page      = win3_page;
                        romnram   = win3_romnram;
                        wrdisable = win3_wrdisable;

        // rom paging - only half a megabyte addressing.
        always @*
                rompg[4:0] = page[4:0];

        assign romwe_n = wr_n | mreq_n | (~romrw_en) | wrdisable;
        assign romoe_n = rd_n | mreq_n;

        assign csrom = romnram; // positive polarity!

        // 7/3.5mhz support

        assign ramreq = (~mreq_n) && (~romnram) && rfsh_n;
        assign ramrd = ramreq & (~rd_n);
        assign ramwr = (ramreq & (~wr_n)) & (~wrdisable);

        always @(posedge fclk)
        if( cend && (!cpu_stall) )
                ramrd_reg <= ramrd;
                ramwr_reg <= ramwr;

        assign cpureq_357 = ( ramrd & (~ramrd_reg) ) | ( ramwr & (~ramwr_reg) );

        assign zd_ena = (~mreq_n) & (~rd_n) & (~romnram);

        assign cache_hit = ( (za[15:1] == cached_addr[15:1]) && cached_addr_valid );

        // strobe the beginnings of DRAM cycles

        always @(posedge fclk)
        if( zneg )
                r_mreq_n <= mreq_n | (~rfsh_n);
        assign dram_beg = ( (!cache_hit) || memwr ) && zneg && r_mreq_n && (!romnram) && (!mreq_n) && rfsh_n;

        // access type
        assign opfetch = (~mreq_n) && (~m1_n);
        assign memrd   = (~mreq_n) && (~rd_n);
        assign memwr   = (~mreq_n) &&   rd_n && rfsh_n && (!wrdisable);

        // wait tables:
        // M1 opcode fetch, dram_beg coincides with:
        // cend:      +3
        // pre_cend:  +4
        // post_cbeg: +5
        // cbeg:      +6
        // memory read, dram_beg coincides with:
        // cend:      +2
        // pre_cend:  +3
        // post_cbeg: +4
        // cbeg:      +5
        // memory write: no wait
        // special case: if dram_beg pulses 1 when cpu_next is 0,
        // unconditional wait has to be performed until cpu_next is 1, and
        // then wait as if dram_beg would coincide with cbeg

        assign stall14_ini = dram_beg && ( (!cpu_next) || opfetch || memrd ); // no wait at all in write cycles, if next dram cycle is available

        // memrd, opfetch - wait till cend & cpu_next,
        // memwr - wait till cpu_next
        assign stall14_cyc = memwr ? (!cpu_next) : stall14_cycrd;
        always @(posedge fclk, negedge rst_n)
        if( !rst_n )
                stall14_cycrd <= 1'b0;
        else // posedge fclk
                if( cpu_next && cend )
                        stall14_cycrd <= 1'b0;
                else if( dram_beg && ( (!cend) || (!cpu_next) ) && (opfetch || memrd) )
                        stall14_cycrd <= 1'b1;
        always @(posedge fclk, negedge rst_n)
        if( !rst_n )
                stall14_fin <= 1'b0;
        else // posedge fclk
                if( stall14_fin && ( (opfetch&pre_cend) || (memrd&post_cbeg) ) )
                        stall14_fin <= 1'b0;
                else if( cpu_next && cend && cpu_req && (opfetch || memrd) )
                        stall14_fin <= 1'b1;

        assign cpu_stall = int_turbo[1] ? (stall14_ini | stall14_cyc | stall14_fin) : (cpureq_357 && (!cpu_next));

        // cpu request
        assign cpu_req = int_turbo[1] ? (pending_cpu_req | dram_beg) : cpureq_357;
        assign cpu_rnw = int_turbo[1] ? (dram_beg ? (!memwr) : cpu_rnw_r) : ramrd;
        always @(posedge fclk, negedge rst_n)
        if( !rst_n )
                pending_cpu_req <= 1'b0;
        else if( cpu_next && cend )
                pending_cpu_req <= 1'b0;
        else if( dram_beg )
                pending_cpu_req <= 1'b1;
        always @(posedge fclk)
        if( dram_beg )
                cpu_rnw_r <= !memwr;

        // address, data in and data out
        assign cpu_wrbsel = za[0];
        assign cpu_addr[20:0] = { page[7:0], za[13:1] };
        assign cpu_wrdata = zd_in;
        always @* if( cpu_strobe ) // WARNING! ACHTUNG! LATCH!!!
                rd_buf <= cpu_rddata;
        assign zd_out = cpu_wrbsel ? rd_buf[7:0] : rd_buf[15:8];

        wire io;
        reg  io_r;
        assign io = (~iorq_n);
        always @(posedge fclk)
        if( zpos )
                io_r <= io;
        always @(posedge fclk, negedge rst_n)
        if( !rst_n )
                cached_addr_valid <= 1'b0;
                if( (zneg && r_mreq_n && (!mreq_n) && rfsh_n && romnram) ||
                    (zneg && r_mreq_n && memwr                         ) ||
                    (io && (!io_r) && zpos                             ) ||
                    (nmi_buf_clr                                       ) )
                        cached_addr_valid <= 1'b0;
                else if( cpu_strobe )
                        cached_addr_valid <= 1'b1;
        always @(posedge fclk)
        if( !rst_n )
                cached_addr <= 15'd0;
        else if( cpu_strobe )
                cached_addr[15:1] <= za[15:1];
