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// ZX-Evo Base Configuration (c) NedoPC 2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014
// Z80 clocking module, also contains some wait-stating when 14MHz

    This file is part of ZX-Evo Base Configuration firmware.

    ZX-Evo Base Configuration firmware is free software:
    you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
    the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    ZX-Evo Base Configuration firmware is distributed in the hope that
    it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
    See the GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with ZX-Evo Base Configuration firmware.
    If not, see <>.

// fclk    _/`\_/`\_/`\_/`\_/`\_/`\_/`\_/`\_/`\_/`\_/`\_/`\_/`\_/`\_/`\_/`\_/`\_/`\_/`\_/`\_/`\_/`\_/`\_/`\_/`\_/`\_/`\_/`\_/`\_/`\_/`\
//          |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |

// zclk     /```\___/```\___/```\___/```````\_______/```````\_______/```````````````\_______________/```````````````\_______________/`
//          |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
// zpos     `\___/```\___/```\___/```\___________/```\___________/```\___________________________/```\___________________________/```\
//          |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |

// zneg     _/```\___/```\___/```\_______/```\___________/```\___________________/```\___________________________/```\________________

// clock phasing:
// cend must be zpos for 7mhz, therefore post_cbeg - zneg
// for 3.5 mhz, cend is both zpos and zneg (alternating)

// 14MHz rulez:
// 1. do variable stalls for memory access.
// 2. do fallback on 7mhz for external IO accesses
// 3. clock switch 14-7-3.5 only at RFSH

`include "../include/tune.v"

module zclock(

        input  wire        fclk,
        input  wire        rst_n,

        input  wire        zclk, // Z80 clock, buffered via act04 and returned back to the FPGA

        input  wire [15:0] a, // for contention

        input  wire [ 1:0] modes_raster,
        input  wire        mode_contend_type,
        input  wire        mode_contend_ena,
        input  wire [ 2:0] mode_7ffd_bits,    // low 3 bits of 7FFD for 128k contention

        input  wire        contend,

        input  wire        mreq_n,
        input  wire        iorq_n,
        input  wire        m1_n,
        input  wire        rfsh_n, // switch turbo modes in RFSH part of m1

        output reg         zclk_out, // generated Z80 clock - passed through inverter externally!

        output reg         zpos,
        output reg         zneg,

        input  wire        zclk_stall,

        input  wire [ 1:0] turbo, // 2'b00 -  3.5 MHz
                                  // 2'b01 -  7.0 MHz
                                  // 2'b1x - 14.0 MHz

        output reg  [ 1:0] int_turbo, // internal turbo, switched on /RFSH

        // input signals for 14MHz external IORQ waits
        input  wire        external_port,

        input  wire        cbeg,
        input  wire        pre_cend // syncing signals, taken from arbiter.v and dram.v

        reg precend_cnt;
        wire h_precend_1; // to take every other pulse of pre_cend
        wire h_precend_2; // to take every other pulse of pre_cend

        reg [2:0] zcount; // counter for generating 3.5 and 7 MHz z80 clocks

        reg old_rfsh_n;

        wire stall;

        reg clk14_src; // source for 14MHz clock

        wire pre_zpos_35,

        wire pre_zpos_70,

        wire pre_zpos_140,

        reg  r_mreq_n;
        wire iorq_n_a;
        reg  r_iorq_n_a;
        wire contend_wait;
        wire contend_mem;
        wire contend_io;
        wire contend_addr;

        reg [2:0] p7ffd; // resync to 14MHz

        initial // simulation...
                precend_cnt = 1'b0;
                int_turbo   = 2'b00;
                old_rfsh_n  = 1'b1;
                clk14_src   = 1'b0;

                zclk_out = 1'b0;

        // switch clock only at predefined time
        always @(posedge fclk) if(zpos)
                old_rfsh_n <= rfsh_n;

                if( old_rfsh_n && !rfsh_n )
                        int_turbo <= turbo;

        // resync p7ffd
        always @(posedge fclk)
                p7ffd <= mode_7ffd_bits;

        // make 14MHz iorq wait
        reg [3:0] io_wait_cnt;
        reg io_wait;

        wire io;
        reg  io_r;

        assign io = (~iorq_n) & m1_n & external_port;

        always @(posedge fclk)
        if( zpos )
                io_r <= io;

        always @(posedge fclk, negedge rst_n)
        if( ~rst_n )
                io_wait_cnt <= 4'd0;
        else if( io && (!io_r) && zpos && int_turbo[1] )
                io_wait_cnt[3] <= 1'b1;
        else if( io_wait_cnt[3] )
                io_wait_cnt <= io_wait_cnt + 4'd1;

        always @(posedge fclk)
        case( io_wait_cnt )
                4'b1000: io_wait <= 1'b1;
                4'b1001: io_wait <= 1'b1;
                4'b1010: io_wait <= 1'b1;
                4'b1011: io_wait <= 1'b1;
                4'b1100: io_wait <= 1'b1;
                4'b1101: io_wait <= 1'b0;
                4'b1110: io_wait <= 1'b1;
                4'b1111: io_wait <= 1'b0;
                default: io_wait <= 1'b0;              

        assign stall = zclk_stall | io_wait | contend_wait;

        // 14MHz clocking
        always @(posedge fclk)
        if( !stall )
                clk14_src <= ~clk14_src;
        assign pre_zpos_140 =   clk14_src ;
        assign pre_zneg_140 = (~clk14_src);

        // take every other pulse of pre_cend (make half pre_cend)
        always @(posedge fclk) if( pre_cend )
                precend_cnt <= ~precend_cnt;

        assign h_precend_1 =  precend_cnt && pre_cend;
        assign h_precend_2 = !precend_cnt && pre_cend;

        assign pre_zpos_35 = h_precend_2;
        assign pre_zneg_35 = h_precend_1;

        assign pre_zpos_70 = pre_cend;
        assign pre_zneg_70 = cbeg;

        assign pre_zpos = int_turbo[1] ? pre_zpos_140 : ( int_turbo[0] ? pre_zpos_70 : pre_zpos_35 );
        assign pre_zneg = int_turbo[1] ? pre_zneg_140 : ( int_turbo[0] ? pre_zneg_70 : pre_zneg_35 );

        always @(posedge fclk)
                zpos <= (~stall) & pre_zpos & zclk_out;

        always @(posedge fclk)
                zneg <= (~stall) & pre_zneg & (~zclk_out);


        // make Z80 clock: account for external inversion and make some leading of clock
        // 9.5 ns propagation delay: from fclk posedge to zclk returned back any edge
        // (1/28)/2=17.9ns half a clock lead
        // 2.6ns lag because of non-output register emitting of zclk_out
        // total: 5.8 ns lead of any edge of zclk relative to posedge of fclk => ACCOUNT FOR THIS WHEN DOING INTER-CLOCK DATA TRANSFERS

        always @(negedge fclk)
                if( zpos )
                        zclk_out <= 1'b0;

                if( zneg )
                        zclk_out <= 1'b1;

        // contention emulation -- only 48k by now, TODO 128k pages and +2a/+3!
        assign iorq_n_a = iorq_n || (a[0]==1'b1);
        always @(posedge fclk)
        if( zpos )
                r_mreq_n   <= mreq_n;
                r_iorq_n_a <= iorq_n_a;
        assign contend_addr = (modes_raster[0]==1'b0) ? ( a[15:14]==2'b01                                  ) : // 48k mode
                                                        ( a[15:14]==2'b01 || (a[15:14]==2'b11 && p7ffd[0]) ) ; // 128k mode (yet only 128/+2)
        assign contend_mem = contend_addr && r_mreq_n;
        assign contend_io  = !iorq_n_a && r_iorq_n_a;
        assign contend_wait = contend && (contend_mem || contend_io) && !int_turbo && modes_raster[1] && mode_contend_ena;
        // TODO: contend is 28MHz signal, while we'd better have here
        //       3.5MHz-synced r_contend signal, which should be synced
        //       to free-running 3.5MHz zpos/zneg sequence (not affected by stall)
