module GS_3032(
config_n, // ACEX1K config pins
status_n, //
conf_done, //
cs, //
init_done, //
clk24in, // 24mhz in
clk20in, // 20mhz in
clkout, // clock out
clksel0, // clock select 0 (1=divide by 2, 0=no divide)
clksel1, // clock select 1 (1=clk20in, 0=clk24in)
a6,a7,a14,a15, // z80 signals
iorq_n,mreq_n, //
rd_n,wr_n, //
d7,d0, //
mema14,mema15, // signals to memories
coldres_n, // cold reset input
warmres_n, // warm reset output
clkin // input of clkout signal
output config_n; reg config_n;
input status_n;
input conf_done;
output cs; reg cs;
input init_done;
input clk24in;
input clk20in;
output clkout; reg clkout;
input clksel0,clksel1;
input a6,a7,a14,a15;
input iorq_n,mreq_n,rd_n,wr_n;
inout d7,d0; reg d7,d0;
output mema14,mema15; reg mema14,mema15;
output romcs_n,ramcs0_n; reg romcs_n,ramcs0_n;
output memoe_n,memwe_n; reg memoe_n,memwe_n;
input coldres_n;
input warmres_n;
input clkin;
reg int_mema14,int_mema15;
reg int_romcs_n,int_ramcs0_n;
reg int_memoe_n,int_memwe_n;
reg int_cs;
reg [1:0] memcfg; // memcfg[1]: 1 ram, 0 roms
// memcfg[0]: 0 page0, 1 page1 -> in 8000-ffff region
reg diver [0:10];
reg disbl; // =1 - 3032 disabled, =0 - enabled
reg was_cold_reset_n; // 1 - no cold reset, 0 - was cold reset
reg [1:0] dbout;
wire [1:0] dbin;
assign dbin[1] = d7;
assign dbin[0] = d0;
wire memcfg_write;
wire rescfg_write;
wire coldrstf_read;
wire fpgastat_read;
reg [3:0] rstcount; // counter for warm reset period
reg [2:0] disbl_sync;
clocker myclk( .clk1(clk24in),
.clkout(clkout) );
always @*
cs <= 1'b0;
d0 <= 1'bZ;
d7 <= 1'bZ;
mema14 <= 1'bZ;
mema15 <= 1'bZ;
romcs_n <= 1'bZ;
ramcs0_n <= 1'bZ;
memoe_n <= 1'bZ;
memwe_n <= 1'bZ;
always @(coldres_n, warmres_n)
if( coldres_n==1'b0)
config_n <= 1'b0;
else if( warmres_n==1'b0 )
config_n <= 1'b1;