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/  PFF - Low level disk interface modlue include file    (C)ChaN, 2014


#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#include "pff.h"

/* Status of Disk Functions */
typedef BYTE    DSTATUS;

/* Results of Disk Functions */
typedef enum {
        RES_OK = 0,             /* 0: Function succeeded */
        RES_ERROR,              /* 1: Disk error */
        RES_NOTRDY,             /* 2: Not ready */
        RES_PARERR              /* 3: Invalid parameter */

/* Prototypes for disk control functions */

DSTATUS disk_initialize (void);
DRESULT disk_readp (BYTE* buff, DWORD sector, UINT offser, UINT count);
DRESULT disk_writep (const BYTE* buff, DWORD sc);

#define STA_NOINIT              0x01    /* Drive not initialized */
#define STA_NODISK              0x02    /* No medium in the drive */

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif  /* _DISKIO_DEFINED */