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#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <util/delay.h>

#include "pins.h"
#include "mytypes.h"

#include "main.h"
#include "atx.h"
#include "rs232.h"
#include "zx.h"

//if want Log than comment next string

volatile UWORD atx_counter;

void wait_for_atx_power(void)
        UBYTE j = MCUCSR;

        //clear status register
        MCUCSR = 0;

        char log_ps2keyboard_parse[] = "MC..\r\n";
        log_ps2keyboard_parse[2] = ((j >> 4) <= 9 )?'0'+(j >> 4):'A'+(j >> 4)-10;
        log_ps2keyboard_parse[3] = ((j & 0x0F) <= 9 )?'0'+(j & 0x0F):'A'+(j & 0x0F)-10;

        //check power
        if ( ((nCONFIG_PIN & (1<<nCONFIG)) == 0) || ((ATXPWRON_PORT & (1<<ATXPWRON)) == 0x00) )
                // only after poweron reset we should wait for soft reset button before powering on
                if(  !(j & ((1<<JTRF)|(1<<WDRF)|(1<<BORF)|(1<<EXTRF)))  ||  (j & (1<<PORF))  )
                        // have at least 2 sec pause before turning on, as this hopefully gives enough time
                        // for FPGA voltages to drop and it will powerup cleanly without compromising the firmware
                        UBYTE soft_rst_pressed = 0;
                        UBYTE i = PRE_PWRON_WAIT;

                                // blink power LED
                                if( i&7 )
                                        LED_PORT |=  (1<<LED);
                                        LED_PORT &= ~(1<<LED);


                                // if soft reset was pressed during wait, remember it and go poweron immediately after the wait ends
                                soft_rst_pressed |= !(SOFTRES_PIN & (1<<SOFTRES));

                        } while(--i);

                        // wait further for soft reset press
                        if( !soft_rst_pressed ) while( SOFTRES_PIN&(1<<SOFTRES) );

                //switch on ATX power (PF3 pin in PORTF)
                ATXPWRON_PORT |= (1<<ATXPWRON);

                //1 sec delay
                UBYTE i=50;
                do {_delay_ms(20);} while(--i);

        //clear counter
        atx_counter = 0;

void atx_power_task(void)
        UBYTE i;
        static UWORD last_count = 0;

        if ( atx_counter > PWROFF_KEY_TIME )
                //here if either SOFTRES_PIN or F12 held for more than ~5 seconds

                // no more need in executing mainloop and servicing interrupts

                UBYTE was_soft_rst = !(SOFTRES_PIN & (1<<SOFTRES));

                // switch off ATX power
                ATXPWRON_PORT &= ~(1<<ATXPWRON);

                // wait for ATX power to actually drop -- for no more than 2 second.
                // if the wait would be infinite, hang will result on non-ATX power supplies
                        if( !(nCONFIG_PIN & (1<<nCONFIG)) ) break;
                } while( --i );

                // if it was soft reset switch initiated -- wait for it to release
                if( was_soft_rst )
                        while( !(SOFTRES_PIN & (1<<SOFTRES)) );

                        i=SOFT_RST_DEBOUNCE; // and then debounce it
                        do _delay_ms(20); while(--i);

                //power led off (timer output disconnect from led pin)
                TCCR2 &= ~((1<<COM20)|(1<<COM21));

                // signal HARD_RESET to exit out of mainloop in main.c -- and eventually return to wait_for_atx_power()
                flags_register |= FLAG_HARD_RESET;
        else if ( ( last_count > 0 ) && ( atx_counter == 0 ) )
                //soft reset (reset Z80 only) -- F12 or softreset pressed for less than 1700 ticks
                zx_spi_send(SPI_RST_REG, 0, 0x7F);
        last_count = atx_counter;
